Tip #39

Use single key shortcuts to switch between Calendar views.

Vivaldi Calendar offers 6 different views for your events – day, week, multiweek, month, year and agenda. You can switch between them by clicking on the view buttons in the top right corner of the Calendar (below Search) or by using keyboard shortcuts.

To switch views using your keyboard, first enable Single Key Shortcuts in Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts. Then, press one of the following keys on your keyboard:

  • Day – D
  • Week – W
  • Multiweek – N
  • Month – M
  • Year – Y
  • Agenda – A

As with any shortcuts in Vivaldi, you can change them in Settings > Keyboard.

Tip #38

Reorder sections in the Mail Panel to your liking.

The center point of Vivaldi Mail, the Mail Panel displays 8 sections: All messages, Custom folders, Mailing Lists, Filters, Flags, Labels, Feeds, and All Accounts.

If the default order doesn’t suit you, you can reorder the sections. If you know you’ll never use a specific section, you can hide it altogether.

To customize the Mail Panel:

  1. Go to Settings > Mail > Mail Settings > Mail Panel Order and Visibility.
  2. Select the section you want to move.
  3. Click on the arrows at the bottom of the list to move the folder up or down.
    Alternatively, click and drag the section to its new location.

To hide a section untick the box in front of the section name.

Tip #37

Enable Mail, Calendar and Feeds from Settings > General > Productivity Features.

Vivaldi Mail, Calendar and Feeds have shed the Beta tag from their name and are now proudly version 1.0. 🥳

To start using Mail, Calendar and Feeds:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Productivity Features.
  2. Tick the box for Enable Mail, Calendar and Feeds.

If you’ve freshly installed Vivaldi or created a new User Profile, select Fully Loaded in the welcome flow.

Then you can start adding your email accounts to Mail, your calendars and events in Calendar, and keep track of the latest content from your favorite creators with Feeds.

For more info about these features check the following links:

Tip #36

Set a unique avatar image for each User Profile.

User Profiles are a great way to compartmentalize your browsing data (bookmarks, passwords, etc.) based on use case (personal, school, work, etc.) or when sharing the computer with someone.

To differentiate the profiles, add avatar images to each user profile. There are a few way you can do that.

Option 1

Log in to your Vivaldi account in the browser (Settings > Sync). Then your account’s profile image will be displayed as the user profile avatar image. To update your account’s profile image, go to the account’s profile on Vivaldi.net.

Option 2

Select a premade avatar image.

  1. Click on the User Profile button on the Address Bar.
  2. Click on the active user’s name.
  3. Select one from the available images.
  4. Click Save.

Option 3

Use your own image.

  1. Click on the User Profile button on the Address Bar.
  2. Click on the active user’s name.
  3. Click on the big + button (Select custom avatar image) below the profile name.
  4. Find the image from your File Manager/Finder.
  5. Click Save.

Tip #35

Hold down the right mouse button and swipe left to go to the previous page.

If you’re used to browsing the web with one hand constantly on the mouse, you can speed up your browsing by using Mouse Gestures.

For example, instead of trying to place the mouse cursor over the right button on the Address Bar or moving the hand away from the mouse to use a Keyboard Shortcut, hold down the right mouse button and swipe left to go back in history. Swipe right if you want to go forward in history. Just make sure the mouse cursor is located on the web page, not on any of the browser toolbars while using the gesture.

You can discover more gestures and customize them in Settings > Mouse > Gesture Mapping.

Tip #33

Enable all Web Panel controls for easier navigation.

With Web Panels you can keep sites easily accessible from Vivaldi’s side Panel. Most of the time, you’ll probably just quickly check the web panel and then return to browsing in the main tabs. But if you need to view multiple pages in the web panel and go back and forth a lot, additional controls can come in handy.

To enable the navigation buttons:

  1. Right-click on the Web Panel’s button on the Panel.
  2. Select Toolbar > Navigation Controls.
  3. Make sure “Display Navigation Controls” has a checkmark in front of it.

Then, in addition to the Home button, which is there by default, you’ll also see Back, Forward, and Reload buttons. web panel controls

Telegram Web Panel with enabled controls.

Tip #32

Hold down the Alt key while clicking on a tab’s close button to close all other tabs and leave only the chosen tab open.

A neat little feature Vivaldi has is the option to close all tabs except one. There are actually more ways to do it than the one mentioned above, so, let’s go over all of them.

For the last two, the tab you want to keep open needs to be the active tab.

Learn more about opening and closing tabs here.

Tip #31

Undo your changes to the browser by resetting the settings.

Have you been experimenting with Vivaldi’s settings and now the browser doesn’t behave as you’d like it to? If you’re not sure which of the settings is causing issues, just reset them all and start from fresh. 😅

To reset settings:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to the settings category you want to reset.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the section.
  4. Click Reset [category name] Settings to Default.
  5. Confirm the decision by clicking Reset Settings in the popup dialog.

Tip #30

Set a minimum tab width for the active tab, so you’ll never lose sight of it in the sea of open tabs.

Unless you’ve enabled Scrollable Tabs, tabs on the horizontal Tab Bar will get smaller and smaller the more you open them. To be able to spot the active tab no matter how many tabs you have open, you can assign a minimum width for the active tab.

To adjust the tab width:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Tab Display > Active Tab Minimum Width.
  2. Pick a value between 30px and 180px.
Tab Bar with the active tab noticeably wider than background tabs.

Tip #29

View image metadata by selecting Image Properties from the photo’s context menu.

Image files can reveal a lot of useful information about the photo and with Vivaldi you can view the information with just two clicks.

To open Image Properties:

  1. Right-click on the image.
  2. Select (Image >) Image Properties.

A new tab will open with the photo and all available information about it.

Image properties open in a Vivaldi tab.

Check out this blog post to learn more about the feature and to test it on a few example photos.

Tip #28

Give your bookmarks nicknames to open them quickly from the Address Bar and Quick Commands.

There are more ways to open bookmarks in Vivaldi than can be counted on one hand. One way is to type the bookmark nickname, instead of the long bookmark link, either in the address field on the Address Bar or in Quick Commands.

To give your bookmark a nickname, edit the bookmark and type a word you associate with the bookmark in the Nickname field.

Bookmark editor pop up

Then, whenever you want to open the bookmarked page, just type the nickname in the address field or Quick Commands and press Enter. While typing, you can also see matching nicknames and the link they’re for in the drop down menu.

Bookmark nickname typed in the address field.

In Quick Commands, to open bookmarks as soon as you’ve finished typing their nickname, you can enable “Open Bookmarks on Nickname Match” in Settings > Quick Commands > Quick Command Options. That way you can even skip pressing Enter.

Tip #25

Create a page capture title template that works for you.

When you take a screenshot of a web page using Vivaldi’s Capture tool and save it as a file on your computer, a title will be generated automatically. You can decide what information the title includes. To change the template:

  1. Go to Settings > Webpages > Image Capture.
  2. Add the information you want in the title using drag and drop and delete the bits that you don’t need. You can even type something in the template field yourself. 😊
Animation showing the changing of capture name template

Tip #24

Long click on History Back and Forward buttons to view and open recently visited pages.

Instead of clicking the Back/Forward button multiple times to return to a recently visited page, you can open a list of visited pages and open the one you need directly.

Here’s how:

  1. Long click or right-click on the Back/Forward button on the Address Bar.
  2. In the list of entries, click on the page you want to return to.
Vivaldi with History list open.

It also works on Android! 🥳 Just tap and hold your finger on the Back/Forward button until a list with your recently visited pages opens.

Bonus tip!

On desktop, when you right-click on the list entry or hold down the Ctrl/⌘ key while clicking, the page will open in a new tab.

Tip #23

Use Sync to access tabs that are open in Vivaldi on your other devices.

With the Sync feature you can synchronize your browser data across Vivaldi on multiple devices (computers, phones, tablets and even with some cars). In addition to Bookmarks, Notes and other data, you can also sync your open Tabs.

To sync Tabs:

  1. Log in to your Vivaldi account in Settings > Sync on all devices you want to keep in sync.
  2. Enable either syncing of all data or at the very least syncing of Tabs.
  3. When you want to view the tab you have open on another device, click on the Synced tabs button on the far side of the Tab Bar, select the synced device, and click on the web page you want to open.
    On mobile, open the Tab Switcher and navigate to Synced tabs from the menu at the bottom of the window. Then, tap on the web page you want to open.
Top right corner of Vivaldi browser's window with Synced Tabs menu open.