Tip #555

Create new occurrences of the same event with copy and paste in Vivaldi Calendar.

Had a ton of fun with your friends recently and you’re planning to repeat the get-together? Awesome! When using the Vivaldi Calendar, it’s easy to duplicate events with all their details.

To make a copy of an event:

Option 1

  1. Right-click on the event and select “Copy”.
  2. Right-click on the date the event will take place on again and select “Paste”.

Option 2

  1. Select the event by navigating to it with your keyboard’s arrow keys.
  2. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/⌘ + C.
  3. Move to the date the event will take place on again.
  4. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/⌘ + V.

Tip #538

See what’s planned for the day by enabling the day view sidebar in Vivaldi Calendar.

To get a general overview of your calendar at the same time as focusing in on a specific day, make use of Vivaldi Calendar‘s sidebar which displays the selected day’s events and tasks next to your current calendar view.

To toggle the sidebar in the Calendar on and off:

  1. Open the Calendar in the main tab view.
  2. Near the top right corner, below search and next to trashed events, click on the “Show Sidebar” button.

The day view sidebar is available in week, multiweek, month, and year views. In the agenda view, the sidebar will display your tasks.

Vivaldi Calendar. Sidebar toggle button is highlighted.

Tip #525

Hide unneeded calendars in Vivaldi Calendar temporarily from view.

When you’re trying to get an overview of what’s planned in a certain aspect of your life, hiding irrelevant events and tasks from view in the Vivaldi Calendar helps to focus on what’s important at the moment.

To toggle the visibility of calendars in the main calendar view:

  1. Click on “Calendars” in the top left corner of the page.
  2. Click on the calendar’s name to hide/show its events.

To toggle the visibility of calendars in Calendar settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Calendar > Calendars.
  2. Select a calendar.
  3. (Un)tick the box for “Hide from Calendar View”
  4. Click “Save”.
Vivaldi Calendar with the calendar menu open. A couple of calendars have been hidden, while most are still visible,

Tip #515

Make the past fade away in the Vivaldi Calendar by dimming the events that have already passed.

If you’re using Vivaldi Calendar to manage your events and tasks you may have noticed that past events and completed tasks have their colors a bit faded. This lets you easily see what’s done and what’s still ahead.

Past event fading is enabled by default, but you can review and update the setting to match your preference in Settings > Calendar > Calendar Display.

Week view in Vivaldi Calendar with events from Monday to Wednesday faded and the rest in sharp color.

Tip #502

Zoom Vivaldi Calendar view in and out with Keyboard Shortcuts.

In Tip #39 we told you about Keyboard Shortcuts you can use in the Vivaldi Calendar to switch to specific views (Day, Week, Month, etc.). In this tip, we’re introducing you to alternative shortcuts, which allow you to cycle through the views using the same two shortcuts.

To cycle through calendar views, press:

  • Alt + Page ↑ – to zoom in, and
  • Alt + Page ↓ – to zoom out.

Step by step, you can zoom in from Agenda view down to Day view and from Day view out to Agenda view.

Tip #483

Switch between time periods in the Vivaldi Calendar using your mouse’s scroll wheel.

While viewing and editing your events and tasks in the Vivaldi Calendar you’ll probably need to check things in the past and future.

To do that, you can use the < and > buttons on either side of the “Today” button in the top left corner of the Calendar page or you can press the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard. But there’s a new and very convenient option available in the Vivaldi Calendar – using your mouse’s scroll wheel.

Scroll up to view previous time periods and scroll down to go to the upcoming ones. It works in all Calendar views from single-day view up to the year view.

Tip #449

Set Vivaldi’s internal pages as the Homepage or New Tab Page.

Start Page with your Speed Dials isn’t the only option for your Homepage and New Tab Page. You can also set pages of your choice to open when you go to your homepage or open a new tab. It’s common to set a website as one of these pages, but you could also open Bookmarks, Notes, Calendar, and more.

To set an internal page as the Homepage/New Tab Page:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Homepage or Settings > Tabs > New Tab Page.
  2. Select “Specific Page”.
  3. Enter the internal page’s link. For example vivaldi://bookmarks, vivaldi://notes, vivaldi://calendar.

Tip #445

Click on the link icon on the Calendar event to open the web page.

When you have enabled Event Property Icons in Settings > Calendar > Calendar Display, you’ll see little icons next to the event title showing what kind of information the event includes.

If you’ve added a web link to the event, you can just click the icon to open it, instead of opening the event to view and open the URL. That’s especially useful when you’ve chosen the Minimal View in Vivaldi Calendar, where only the time and event title are displayed.

Vivaldi Calendar with the link property icon highlighted.

Tip #423

Invite people to events you’ve created in the Vivaldi Calendar.

Making plans together with someone? Instead of creating separate events with the risk of getting out of sync when the specifics of the event change, one person should create a shared event.

To create a shared event in the Vivaldi Calendar:

  1. First, ensure you have added at least one of your email accounts to Vivaldi Mail in Settings > Mail.
  2. Then, go to Settings > Calendar > Calendar Integration > Calendar Mail Account, and select your preferred mail account to be used for sending invites.
  3. In the Calendar, create a new event and fill out the details.
  4. In the Participants section of the event editor, type the email addresses of people you want to invite to the event. Press “Enter” to add them.
  5. Click “Done” when you’re ready with the event setup.
  6. Review the event invite and, if you wish, add a message.
  7. Click “Send”.

When you edit shared events, you can send a new email invite to the participants or skip notifying them.

Tip #418

Press “R” to fetch the latest Calendar events from online calendar accounts.

Vivaldi Calendar checks for updates from the online calendar accounts you’ve added to Vivaldi every 10 minutes. You can also trigger updates manually. When you have single-key Keyboard Shortcuts enabled, the easiest option is to just press the R key and you’ll be up to date.

In true Vivaldi fashion, there are other ways to update the calendar:

  • In the main Calendar view, open the Calendar’s menu in the top left corner and select “Refresh”.
  • Click on the Calendar button on the Status Bar, go to the Accounts tab, and click “Refresh”.
  • Type “Refresh Calendar” in Quick Commands.
  • Create a Mouse Gesture for the action.

Tip #406

Divide events and tasks in your Vivaldi Calendar by category into separate calendars.

A calendar is vital for keeping up with a busy schedule. To make it easier to view and manage your events and tasks, you can create multiple calendars for various types of obligations in your Vivaldi Calendar. You can also assign a different color for each calendar to make the events stand out more.

To create a new calendar:

  1. Go to Settings > Calendar > Calendars.
  2. Click on + Add Calendar below the list of existing calendars.
  3. Select which account the calendar should belong to, give the calendar a name, choose a color and look over
  4. Click “Save” to create the new calendar.

Tip #380

Add new events without even going to the Calendar by opening the event dialog with a shortcut.

With the integrated Vivaldi Calendar, you can quickly add events and get back to what you were doing in no time by opening the new event dialog using either Quick Commands, a Keyboard Shortcut, or a Mouse Gesture.

Quick Commands

  1. Open Quick Commands (F2 / ⌘ E).
  2. Type in “Add Calendar Event (dialog)” and press Enter.
  3. Add the event.

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. First, create the shortcut in Settings > Keyboard > Window > Add Calendar Event (dialog).
  2. Use the shortcut to open the event dialog.
  3. Add the event.

Mouse Gesture

  1. First, create the gesture in Settings > Mouse > New Gesture > Add Calendar Event (dialog).
  2. Use the shortcut to open the event dialog.
  3. Add the event.
Vivaldi Calendar's event editor over a web page.