Always know where you are by enabling full address display in Vivaldi on iOS.
By default, the Address Field only displays the domain you’re on (e.g. and you have to tap on the Address Field to see the full URL (e.g.
Switch to an existing tab that already has the link open, instead of opening it in a new tab.
It’s easy to end up with more open tabs than you can keep track of. That’s why, when you type a link in the Address Field, Vivaldi will point out that you already have the same URL open in another tab, allowing you to switch to that tab instead of opening a duplicate tab.
To switch to an open tab:
Enter the link in the Address Field.
Instead of just pressing “Enter”, use an arrow key to select the “Switch to this tab” suggestion in the Address Field Drop-Down Menu and then press Enter. Alternatively, click on the suggestion.
If you’ve moved the Address Bar to the bottom on mobile, also reverse the order of search suggestions.
When you’re holding your phone with just one hand, having everything important within easy reach on the screen is vital. That’s why, when you have the Address Bar at the bottom in Vivaldi on Android or iOS, you can bring the most relevant search suggestions closer to the bottom of the screen as well.
To reverse the search suggestions order on Android:
Remove individual History entries from the Address Field.
When you type a link or a search term in the Address Field, you’ll see suggestions from Bookmarks, (Typed) History, Synced Tabs, and more in the Address Field drop-down menu and as the auto-completed suggestion. If some (Typed) History suggestions are no longer relevant, you can remove them.
To delete suggestions from History:
Type something that would bring up the (Typed) History suggestion you want to remove.
Find the entry in the Address Field drop-down menu.
Click on the X that appears on the right side when you hover over the suggestion.
Choose whether to focus on the Address Bar or the Speed Dial in a new tab in Vivaldi on Android.
When you open a new tab, do you usually start typing a website link or a search term in the Address Field, or do you open one of your favorite Speed Dial bookmarks? Vivaldi on Android allows you to choose your preferred option and, depending on your choice, either opens the keyboard, so you can start typing immediately, or keeps it closed so you can view the Speed Dials.
To review your choice:
Go to Settings > Tabs > Focus Address Bar on New Tab.
Toggle the setting off, if you prefer to see the Speed Dials or leave it enabled, for the keyboard to pop up.
Identify Web Pages that are malicious or legitimate by checking the base domain in the Address Field.
Fraudsters are an unfortunate part of the internet, constantly coming up with more and more ways to scam people. To help you spot malicious actors and prevent scams and phishing attacks, Vivaldi highlights the core part of the URL while the rest of the URL will be visible and lowlighted.
For example, if someone is trying to make you think that you’re on Google’s web page, they may use a link similar to this – With base domain highlighting in addresses, the real domain will be highlighted and displayed as This way you can recognize which company controls the domain and not fall for the scam.
You do have the option to disable base domain highlighting in Settings > Address Bar > Security Features, but we strongly advise you against doing so.
Top or bottom? Decide where you want to have the Tab Bar and Adress Bar in Vivaldi on iOS.
Prefer your Address Bar and Tab Bar traditionally on top of the screen or at the bottom for easy one handed reach? Whatever your preference, we’ve got you covered.
To select the link in the Address Field on activation or not? The choice is yours.
When focusing on the Address Field are you more likely to type in something new or to edit the existing link? By default the current address is selected, so you can start typing a new address or a search term right away, but if you’d rather keep the address in the Address Field to edit it, you can disable automatic address selection.
Reorder Address Field drop-down menu’s categories according to your preferences.
Do you use the Address Field search more for finding an entry in your History than for Bookmarks? Or do you want Frequently Visited Pages to be listed before Search Suggestions? In the Vivaldi browser, you can tailor the drop-down menu according to your needs.
Enable “Show Full Address” to see the complete web page URL without needing to focus on the Address Field.
Looking at the Address Field you may have noticed that you don’t see the full address unless you focus on it. That’s because we want you to easily see the most important parts of the URL – the domain and the path. The protocol in front can give you false security, and parameters and anchors at the end can add so much confusion that it can be hard to see which website you are using.
But if you prefer to see the full address at all times:
Right-click on the Address Field.
Select “Always Show Full Address”.
Alternatively, enable it in Settings > Address Bar > Address Field Options.
Give the Search Field the space it needs by resizing it.
In addition to deciding what elements are displayed on your Vivaldi Browser’s toolbars, you can also adjust the size of some of them, for example, the Search Field on the Address Bar.
To resize the Search Field:
Hover over the left edge of the Search Field.
Click and drag the mouse left to make it bigger or right to make it smaller.
Press Alt+Enter to open a link or a search entered in the Address Field in a new tab.
When you’ve typed something in the Address Field, but then decide that you also want to keep the current page open, hold down the Alt key while pressing Enter and the link or search results will open in a new tab.
Add empty space to the Address Bar to resize the Address Field.
Address Field takes up all available space that’s left over from buttons and other components on the Address Bar. On a larger screen the Address Field can get quite long. You can resize and center the Address Field by adding empty space on both sides, thus making the Address Field easier to access and the overall look a bit cleaner.
Customize browser toolbars from Vivaldi menu > View > Customize Toolbar.
In Tip #4 we told you how to move buttons around on the browser Toolbars. That method still works, but since then we’ve added even more flexibility to customizing Toolbars, giving you full control of your toolbar layouts. You can add, move and remove any of the components on the Navigation Toolbar, Status Bar, Mail Toolbar, Mail Composer Toolbar and Mail Message Toolbar. You can even add your custom Command Chains as buttons on the toolbars.
To customize the toolbars:
Go to Vivaldi menu > View > Customize Toolbar. Alternatively, right-click on one of the buttons on a toolbar and select Edit > Customize Toolbar.
While the Toolbar Editor window is open:
Click and drag new components to the toolbars,
Move components around without the need to hold down the Ctrl / ⌘ key,
Drag and drop components you want to remove on the background area (area that isn’t a toolbar, nor the editor window).
Click on the background area to close the Toolbar Editor.
Feel free to mix and match components from various toolbars. For example, you can add the Compose New Mail button to the Navigation Bar and Extensions to Mail toolbars.