Tip #527

Encrypt emails you send via Vivaldi Webmail.

To ensure top-notch privacy for your email correspondence, you can encrypt the emails you send from Vivaldi Webmail.

To set up encryption in Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Enable encryption options in Settings > Preferences > Encryption.
  2. Create or import PGP keys.
  3. Share public keys with people you want to have encrypted conversations with.
  4. Encrypt emails when composing new messages.

For detailed instructions for each step, check out the article about email encryption on Vivaldi Help.

Key passphrase dialog in Vivaldi Webmail shown to decrypt an incoming email.

Tip #464

Close all Private Tabs in Vivaldi on Android from your phone’s Notifications.

When you open at least one private tab in Vivaldi on Android, a little icon of a ghost will appear on your mobile device’s Status Bar. The ghost lets you know that there are Private Tabs open and allows you to close them quickly even when you’re using other apps.

To close all Private Tabs:

  1. Swipe down from the Status Bar to view your Notifications.
  2. Tap on Vivaldi’s notification “Close all private tabs”.
Android phone with Notifications open. There's one notification about Vivaldi browser's private tabs.

Tip #450

Review and update global and per-site Website Permissions in Privacy and Security Settings.

One website wants access to your location, another wants to send you notifications, a third wants access to your camera and microphone, and so on. It’s not easy to remember to which websites you’ve given which permissions. Luckily, you’ll find all websites and their permissions listed neatly in Vivaldi’s Settings.

To review and update Website Permissions:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Website Permissions.
  2. Select either Global Permissions to review the defaults or a specific website on the list.
  3. Use the drop-down menu next to each permission type to update it.
Vivaldi browser window with Website Permission settings open.

Tip #448

Lock Private Tabs on Android when you leave Vivaldi.

When you leave Private Tabs open for longer, you can lock them for additional privacy. Next time you open Vivaldi and wish to view a private tab, you’ll first be asked for your phone’s or tablet’s screen lock (PIN, password, pattern, etc.).

To enable or disable locking of Private Tabs:

  1. Go to the Vivaldi menu > Settings > Privacy and Security.
  2. Toggle on “Lock Private tabs when you leave Vivaldi”.
  3. Verify yourself with your device’s unlock method.
Privacy and Security settings in Vivaldi on Android. Lock Private Tabs setting is highlighted.

Tip #413

Open links from other apps on iOS in Vivaldi’s Private Tabs.

Do you prefer to browse in Private Tabs, but opening links from other apps always opens them among regular tabs? By making a quick setting change in Vivaldi on your iOS or iPad, you can be asked where you want to open the link every time an app wants to open one in Vivaldi.

To be prompted before opening a link in Vivaldi:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy and security.
  2. Enable “Ask to Open Links from Other Apps in Private”.

Then, when you get the prompt you can decide whether to open the tab in a private or regular tab.

Tip #405

Set different default Search Engines for Standard and Private Tabs in Vivaldi on Android.

You may be comfortable with one search engine for your everyday browsing but prefer a different search engine when you want stronger privacy. In Vivaldi on Android, like in Vivaldi on desktop and iOS (see Tip #378), you have the choice to set separate Search Engines as the default ones for Standard Tabs and Private Tabs.

To update the default search engines:

  1. Go to the Vivaldi menu > Settings > Search Engine.
  2. Select either “Standard Tab” or “Private Tab”.
  3. Tap on the search provider you want to set as the default one.
  4. Exit by going back to the main Settings menu using the  back arrow.

Tip #378

Set default search engines for both standard and private tabs in Vivaldi on iOS.

Like the results and features of one search engine, but want to amp up the privacy of search in private tabs? In Vivaldi on iOS, like in the desktop version, you have the choice to set separate search engines as the default ones for standard tabs and private tabs.

To update the default search engines:

  1. Go to the Vivaldi menu > Settings > Search Engine.
  2. Select either “Standard Tab” or “Private Tab”.
  3. Tap on the search engine you want to set as the default one.
  4. Exit by tapping Done or go back to the main Settings menu using the  back arrow.
Search Engine settings in Vivaldi on iOS.

Tip #372

Do you remember your encryption password for Vivaldi Sync? Reset it if you’ve forgotten it.

Your synced browser data in Vivaldi is end-to-end encrypted. To decrypt it, you need to know the encryption password you set up on your first Sync use. Should you be in a situation where you no longer have the browser data stored locally (e.g. after an operating system reset) on any devices and you’ve forgotten the encryption password, there’s unfortunately no way to restore the data.

So, while everything is still alright, make sure you have the encryption password memorized or stored in a safe location. In case you’ve forgotten the encryption password, you can easily reset it without data loss on a device that has your browser data accessible locally.

To reset Sync’s encryption password:

  1. Go to Settings > Sync.
  2. Click on “Reset Remote Data”.
  3. Click “Delete Sync Data” in the dialog that appears.
  4. Set a new encryption password for your data.
  5. Start syncing from fresh.

Sync settings in Vivaldi with Reset Remote Data button highlighted.

Tip #348

Delete all Cookies when you close the browser.

Cookies can be useful. They can keep you logged into accounts, save your language preferences, and more, but they can also be used to track you. To curtail the latter, you can have Vivaldi delete all cookies stored in the browser on exit.

To update your Cookie preferences:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy and Security> Cookies.
  2. Select “Session only”.
Cookie settings in Vivaldi Browser.

Tip #283

Discover all the different ways you can open Private Tabs in Vivaldi on Android.

Private Tabs are a good option when you want to use the same service with two different accounts, hide your browsing activity from someone you’re sharing the device with, or any other reason. But before you can start browsing in a Private tab, you need to open one first.

Take a look at the list below to see the many ways you can do it in Vivaldi on Android:

  • Open the main menu and select “New private tab” (see image below).
  • Long press on the + Tab Switcher button and select “New private tab”.
  • Long press on the + New Tab button on the Tab Bar and select “New private tab”.
  • Open the Tab Switcher > Private Tabs and tap on the + New Tab button in the bottom right corner.
  • In any of the Tab Switcher views, open the ⋮ menu in the top right corner and select “New private tab”.
  • Long press on the Vivaldi icon on your mobile device’s home screen or app library and select “New private tab”.
  • Long press on a link on a web page and select “Open in private tab”.
Main menu in Vivaldi on Android open with New private tab option highlighted.

Tip #202

Filter and delete a selection of cookies in Privacy and Security settings.

You can always delete all saved cookies from Vivaldi menu > Tools > Delete Browsing Data. But that will log you out of your accounts, reset your saved preferences, and more. To delete cookies from a specific domain, head over to Vivaldi Settings. This can be useful when a single website is causing you trouble and you think cookies might be the cause.

To delete a selection of cookies:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Cookies > Saved Cookies.
  2. Click on Show Saved Cookies.
  3. In the search box enter the domain name of the cookies you want to filter out.
  4. Below the list of saved cookies, click Delete Filtered Cookies.
Vivaldi's privacy settings open on the Cookies section with Google's cookies filtered out.

Tip #190

Enable search suggestions to get suggestions from the search engine as you type.

Search Engines can show you suggestions as you type the search query in the Address or Search Field. It can make searching faster. The way it works, however, is that everything you type is sent to the search engine. Since it can be quite revealing, in Vivaldi, the setting to show suggestions is not enabled by default. But since we are all about giving users options, you can choose to enable it if you prefer convenience over privacy.

To enable search suggestions:

  1. Go to Settings > Search > Allow Search Suggestions.
  2. Depending where you want to get suggestions, enable the setting for the Address Field and/or the Search Field.
    In the Address Field, to limit what you type from being sent to the search engine, you can enable suggestions to be shown only when you first enter the Search Engine Nickname.

Read more about Search Suggestions and their privacy implications on our blog.

Tip #173

Get a reality check on how many trackers and ads actually follow you on the web from Privacy Statistics.

When you have Vivaldi’s Tracker and Ad Blocker enabled, you can take a look at how many trackers and ads have been blocked while you’ve been browsing with Vivaldi.

To see how many trackers and ads have been blocked on the website you’re on, click on the Content blocker button on the left side of the Address Field.

To see overall statistics, head over to the Start Page and take a look at the Privacy Statistics bar near the top. Click on it to see details.

In case you’ve disabled Privacy Statistics, you can use Quick Settings accessible from the top right corner of Start Page to enable them again.

Tip #159

Add custom blocker sources to Vivaldi’s Tracker and Ad Blocker.

The Tracker and Ad Blocker comes with a large selection of sources that can be enabled to block unwanted content on web pages. You can enable them in the browser’s Privacy and Security settings. In addition to the default sources, you can add your own custom source lists. To do that:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Tracker and Ad Blocker > Manage Sources.
  2. Click on Add List below Tracker Blocking Sources or Ad Blocking Sources lists.
  3. Locate the sources .txt file in your File Manager/Finder.
  4. Click Import.

The newly added list will be automatically enabled.

To find additional sources, you can start by checking this Forum thread, where Vivaldi Community members have shared the blocking sources they use.