Tip #526

Open links in Vivaldi on iOS without interrupting your current browsing session.

Notice something interesting while browsing or remember something you need to get on next, but want to finish checking out the current web page first? Opening links in new background tabs is just what you need.

To open links in the background:

  1. Long-press on a link on a website, a bookmark / Speed Dial, a Reading List item, or a History entry.
  2. From the context menu select “Open in New Background Tab”
Bookmark context menu highlighting the option to open it in a new background tab in Vivaldi on iOS.

Tip #517

Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open the typed link or search in a new window.

In Tip #196, we showed you how to open a link or a search you entered in the Address Field in a new tab. But using a slightly different Keyboard Shortcut, you can also open it in a new browser window.

To open a new window from the Address Field:

  1. Enter a website URL or a search term in the Address Field.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter / ⌘ ⇧ Enter on your keyboard.

Tip #516

Request desktop versions of websites in Vivaldi on iOS by default or per tab.

Though web devs generally do a good job adopting their websites for mobile phones, occasionally you may still want to get the full desktop view of the website despite the small screen.

To switch to a desktop version of a page:

  1. When you have the webpage open in a tab, open the Vivaldi menu.
  2. Select “Request desktop site”.

To change the view globally on all sites:

  1. Go to Settings > Content settings > Default View.
  2. Select “Desktop”.
  3. Click “Done”.
Vivaldi menu on iOS with "Request desktop site" option highlighted.

Tip #514

Switch to an existing tab that already has the link open, instead of opening it in a new tab.

It’s easy to end up with more open tabs than you can keep track of. That’s why, when you type a link in the Address Field, Vivaldi will point out that you already have the same URL open in another tab, allowing you to switch to that tab instead of opening a duplicate tab.

To switch to an open tab:

  1. Enter the link in the Address Field.
  2. Instead of just pressing “Enter”, use an arrow key to select the “Switch to this tab” suggestion in the Address Field Drop-Down Menu and then press Enter. Alternatively, click on the suggestion.
Vivaldi browser with the Address Field in focus. A link has been entered that is already open in another tab and there's an entry in the drop-down menu suggesting switching to that tab.

Tip #507

Make a list of your preferred languages in which to display web pages.

Some websites offer their content in multiple languages. In which language they display the pages in your browser depends on your language settings. Make sure to include all the languages you speak and list them in the order of preference.

To update your list of accepted languages:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Language > Accept Languages.
  2. Click on the Add Language button to select a language you speak.
  3. Use the arrows to change the priority of the languages.
Settings window in Vivaldi with Accepted Languages in focus.

Tip #501

Create a new note with a screenshot from a web page.

Found something interesting on a webpage that you want to save, but an image would convey the message better than text? With Vivaldi, you can take a screenshot of the web page and automatically create a new note with it.

To save a screen capture as a note:

  1. Click on the Capture page” button on the Status Bar.
  2. Decide whether you want to capture a selection or the full page.
  3. Select “Create Note with…” as the output.
  4. If you chose to save just a section of the web page, select the area.
  5. Click “Capture”.

The captured screenshot will be attached to a new untitled note, which you can view and edit in the Notes Panel or Notes Manager.

Vivaldi browser with the Capture page tool in focus and the output  menu open.

Tip #500

Zoom in and out on web pages using the number keys on your keyboard.

Single Key Shortcuts are a great way to get things done quickly and efficiently, without needing both hands or complicated finger gymnastics on the keyboard to reach multiple keys simultaneously. For example, you can use Single Key Shortcuts to zoom in and out on web pages.

To enable Single Key Shortcuts, go to Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts.

To zoom in and out, press the following numbers either above the letters on the keyboard or on the number pad:

  • 0 – zoom in by 10%
  • 9 – zoom out by 10%
  • 8 – double the zoom level
  • 7 – halve the zoom level
  • 6 – reset the zoom level

Tip #494

Clear Cookies on Android only from the website you currently have open with 3 quick taps.

Cookies keep you logged in, store your preferences, and save other information about your visit to the site. If you want to remove the data for a particular site, you don’t need to delete all saved cookies and data from Settings > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data. Instead, you can do it while you have the site open in the active tab.

To delete cookies:

  1. Tap on the Site info button on the left side of the Address Bar.
  2. Select “Cookies and site data”.
  3. Next to the number showing the amount stored data, tap on Delete.
Menu for deleting cookies and site data for a specific website open in Vivaldi on Android.

Tip #486

Boost Vivaldi’s performance by enabling the Memory Saver.

Reduce memory usage by automatically hibernating tabs that haven’t been used in a while. This way, active tabs, such as those used for gaming or streaming, can run more smoothly.

To enable the Memory Saver:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Memory Saver.
  2. Select your preferred option:
    • Disabled
    • Automatic (recommended)
    • After 1 Hour Idle
    • After 2 Hours Idle
    • After 3 Hours Idle
    • After 6 Hours Idle

Tip #473

Enable “Focus All Controls and Links” to be able to use the Tab key to go through more than just input fields on a web page.

When you press the Tab key, by default, it only focuses on input fields (search, login, forms, etc.) and a few other elements on the page. But by changing one setting you can browse through everything on a web page (in addition to the aforementioned, input fields, menus, links, etc.)

To enable this option:

  1. Go to Settings > Webpages > Webpage Focus.
  2. Select “Focus All Controls and Links”.

Tip #471

Check image Alt text on mobile devices from the image’s context menu.

Alt text provides additional information about the images you find on web pages. On the one hand, it makes the content on the page more accessible, for example, for people who use screen readers, but Alt text is also displayed when, for one reason or another, the images fail to load. Even if you don’t rely on assistive technologies and the content loads without issues, you might still want to take a look at the description of the image.

To view Alt text in Vivaldi on Android and Vivaldi on iOS, long-press on the image to open the context menu, where the Alt text will be displayed as the first thing in the menu.

In Vivaldi on iOS, the whole description is displayed. On Android, if the text is too long, you need to tap on it to display it in its entirety.

A web page with an image open in Vivaldi on Android. The image has been long pressed to display the context menu and Alt text.

Tip #467

Force web pages to be displayed in dark mode in Vivaldi on iOS.

Some websites have created both light and dark versions of their site and check users’ preferences to decide which version to display. You can make your preference known in Settings > Appearance & Themes > Website Appearance.

In addition to the above, you can force dark mode on websites that come only in light color schemes. To do that, enable “Force dark theme on all websites” on the same Settings page.

Tip #460

Download web pages for offline viewing in Vivaldi on Android.

Heading somewhere with no internet connection, but plenty of time to read? Download the web pages you want to check out while offline to your phone or tablet with Vivaldi on Android.

To download a page:

  1. Open the page in a tab.
  2. Go to the Vivaldi menu and select “Download”.

Alternatively, long-press on a link on a page and select “Download link”.

You’ll find the page in your downloaded files, or better yet, before or after downloading the page, add it to the Reading List for easy access.

Vivaldi menu open in Vivaldi browser on Android with the Download button highlighted.