Tip #473

Enable “Focus All Controls and Links” to be able to use the Tab key to go through more than just input fields on a web page.

When you press the Tab key, by default, it only focuses on input fields (search, login, forms, etc.) and a few other elements on the page. But by changing one setting you can browse through everything on a web page (in addition to the aforementioned, input fields, menus, links, etc.)

To enable this option:

  1. Go to Settings > Webpages > Webpage Focus.
  2. Select “Focus All Controls and Links”.

Tip #471

Check image Alt text on mobile devices from the image’s context menu.

Alt text provides additional information about the images you find on web pages. On the one hand, it makes the content on the page more accessible, for example, for people who use screen readers, but Alt text is also displayed when, for one reason or another, the images fail to load. Even if you don’t rely on assistive technologies and the content loads without issues, you might still want to take a look at the description of the image.

To view Alt text in Vivaldi on Android and Vivaldi on iOS, long-press on the image to open the context menu, where the Alt text will be displayed as the first thing in the menu.

In Vivaldi on iOS, the whole description is displayed. On Android, if the text is too long, you need to tap on it to display it in its entirety.

A web page with an image open in Vivaldi on Android. The image has been long pressed to display the context menu and Alt text.

Tip #467

Force web pages to be displayed in dark mode in Vivaldi on iOS.

Some websites have created both light and dark versions of their site and check users’ preferences to decide which version to display. You can make your preference known in Settings > Appearance & Themes > Website Appearance.

In addition to the above, you can force dark mode on websites that come only in light color schemes. To do that, enable “Force dark theme on all websites” on the same Settings page.

Tip #460

Download web pages for offline viewing in Vivaldi on Android.

Heading somewhere with no internet connection, but plenty of time to read? Download the web pages you want to check out while offline to your phone or tablet with Vivaldi on Android.

To download a page:

  1. Open the page in a tab.
  2. Go to the Vivaldi menu and select “Download”.

Alternatively, long-press on a link on a page and select “Download link”.

You’ll find the page in your downloaded files, or better yet, before or after downloading the page, add it to the Reading List for easy access.

Vivaldi menu open in Vivaldi browser on Android with the Download button highlighted.

Tip #445

Click on the link icon on the Calendar event to open the web page.

When you have enabled Event Property Icons in Settings > Calendar > Calendar Display, you’ll see little icons next to the event title showing what kind of information the event includes.

If you’ve added a web link to the event, you can just click the icon to open it, instead of opening the event to view and open the URL. That’s especially useful when you’ve chosen the Minimal View in Vivaldi Calendar, where only the time and event title are displayed.

Vivaldi Calendar with the link property icon highlighted.

Tip #437

Force dark mode on websites that don’t provide a dark theme themselves.

Dark themes have been in for a while, but websites are still catching up with the trend. If you don’t want to wait, you can use Vivaldi’s settings to display even those sites in darker colors.

To enable dark mode:

  1. Go to Settings > Appearance > Website Appearance.
  2. Select “Dark”.
  3. Tick the box for “Force dark theme on all websites”.

Tip #433

Identify Web Pages that are malicious or legitimate by checking the base domain in the Address Field.

Fraudsters are an unfortunate part of the internet, constantly coming up with more and more ways to scam people. To help you spot malicious actors and prevent scams and phishing attacks, Vivaldi highlights the core part of the URL while the rest of the URL will be visible and lowlighted.

For example, if someone is trying to make you think that you’re on Google’s web page, they may use a link similar to this – www.google.fakesite.com. With base domain highlighting in addresses, the real domain will be highlighted and displayed as www.google.fakesite.com. This way you can recognize which company controls the domain and not fall for the scam.

You do have the option to disable base domain highlighting in Settings > Address Bar > Security Features, but we strongly advise you against doing so.

Vivaldi browser window with Address Field highlighted.

Tip #347

Share text with a link to the source from Vivaldi on Android.

“Copy link to highlight” (see Tip #169) is a great feature for sharing a specific part of a web page quickly. Instead of sharing a link and instructing the recipient to scroll past 5 paragraphs of text and 3 images, they’ll be taken to the exact spot you want to highlight (as long as they also use a browser that supports this feature). While on desktop only the link is shared, on Android the highlighted text is also included in the message.

To share text from Vivaldi on Android:

  1. Highlight some text on a web page.
  2. Select “Share” from the menu that appears.
  3. Select the app you want to share the text and link with or tap on Copy.
  4. Follow the app’s sharing steps or paste the text and link to a place of your choice.
Vivaldi on Android with some text highlighted on a web page and menu with the share option in the foreground.

Tip #334

Press Space to scroll down a page and fast forward to the next one.

Whenever you’re browsing through content that’s been divided into pages (search results, online store catalog, etc.) you’ll likely do a lot of scrolling and looking for the “next page” button. In Vivaldi, you can do all of it with a single keyboard key.

By pressing Space, the page will be scrolled down a screen height at a time. Once you reach the end of the page, pressing Space will load the next page.

Check out the video below to see it in action.

Tip #322

Adjust page zoom per website with an easy slider in Vivaldi on Android.

In Tip #119, we shared how to change the Zoom level of text in Vivaldi on Android. Today we have an even cooler option to show you.

Did you know that you can add an option to the Vivaldi menu that allows you to change the zoom level only on the open site? And it will stay the same for that website even if you navigate to other sites and then back again, or open the link in a different tab. If the developers of the website have done a good job, the text should also reflow nicely.

To enable and use zoom per site:

  1. Go to Settings > Web Pages > Accessibility.
  2. Enable “Show zoom option in main menu”.
  3. Exit Settings.
  4. To use zoom, open the browser’s main menu.
  5. Select “Default zoom”.
  6. Tap on + and – on the side or drag the slider to change the zoom level.
News article from Ars Technica open in Vivaldi on Android. The zoom slider is visible near the bottom of the screen and the zoom level has been changed to 150%.

Tip #321

See where you are on a long web page by enabling Page Minimap.

Just like in many code editors, the same way in Vivaldi, you can display a minimap on the right side of the browser window that gives you an overview of the web page and shows which part of it you’re currently focusing on.

By clicking the minimap or dragging the shaded area (your current location on the page), you can easily jump to a different spot on the page.

To enable the minimap:

  1. Click on Page Actions on the Status Bar.
  2. Enable “Page Minimap”.
Page Actions menu open with Page Minimap enabled. Minimap can be seen in the background on the right side of the browser window.

Tip #298

Open a link in a different Workspace through the context menu.

Workspaces allow you to divide tabs into independent sections. But what if you come across a link in one space that you’d like to open in another? You could open the link in the current Workspace and move the tab to a different one, but it’s faster to open it directly as a new tab in the Workspace you want to have the page in.

To open a link in a different Workspace:

  1. Right-click on the link to open the context menu.
  2. Select “Open Link in Another Workspace” > select the destination Workspace.
Social media site open in Vivaldi browser. Link's right-click context menu is open showing how to open the link in a new Workspace.

Tip #293

Enable “Show Full Address” to see the complete web page URL without needing to focus on the Address Field.

Looking at the Address Field you may have noticed that you don’t see the full address unless you focus on it. That’s because we want you to easily see the most important parts of the URL – the domain and the path. The protocol in front can give you false security, and parameters and anchors at the end can add so much confusion that it can be hard to see which website you are using.

But if you prefer to see the full address at all times:

  1. Right-click on the Address Field.
  2. Select “Always Show Full Address”.

Alternatively, enable it in Settings > Address Bar > Address Field Options.

Two Address Fields. One showing only the domain and path, the other showing a full address.

Tip #287

Open files stored on your computer in Vivaldi Browser.

Instead of switching between different apps while working on your computer, open local files in their own tab in the browser and work with everything in one place. It allows you to group, tile, and use many other features on both web pages and local files together.

To open a local file in Vivaldi, use one of the following methods:

  • Open the main Vivaldi menu > File > Open File (Ctrl + O / ⌘ O) and look for the file.
  • Drag the file from the File Manager/Finder to the browser window.
  • Type File:///C:/ (on Windows) or file:// (on macOS and Linux) in the Address Field and browse through the folders for the file.
  • Copy the file or folder path from File Manager/Finder to Vivaldi’s Address Field.