Tip #520

Browse additional Themes from the same author on Vivaldi Themes.

When you find a beautiful theme created by one of our community members in the Vivaldi Themes gallery and like the author’s style, browse their other themes to find even more gorgeous creations.

To view all themes by the author:

  1. Go to themes.vivaldi.net and look for one you like.
  2. Click on the theme to view its page.
  3. In the theme information section, click on the name next to “Made by”.
A theme page with an arrow pointing at the author's name.

Tip #463

Give a rating and share your feedback on the themes you’ve downloaded from Vivaldi Themes.

There are thousands of custom themes that the Vivaldi Community has shared on themes.vivaldi.net. When you’ve downloaded a theme and you like it, head back to the theme’s page to leave a good star rating and an appreciative comment to the author. In addition to making the author happy, it also helps the best themes reach the top of the popular page.

To review a shared Vivaldi Theme:

  1. Go to themes.vivaldi.net.
  2. Log in to your Vivaldi account.
  3. Download a theme you like.
  4. Right below the theme preview, click on the stars to add your rating.
  5. Write a comment with compliments and/or feedback to the author.
A theme page on Vivaldi Themes with "Rate this theme"
Theme by Kocaelispor.

Tip #289

Download Custom Icons for your browser from Vivaldi Themes.

Using Custom Icons with your browser theme, allows you to take the uniqueness of your Vivaldi to yet another level. You can create an icon for each toolbar button yourself or you can make use of the numerous Themes with Custom Icons the creative minds of Vivaldi Community members have shared with everyone.

To download custom icons:

  1. Go to themes.vivaldi.net.
  2. Click on, for example, “View all featured themes” to open a page with all the filtering options.
  3. In the menu on the left, tick the box for “Custom Icons”.
  4. Apply other filters, if you wish.
  5. Find a theme you like.
  6. Download it to get a preview and if you want to keep it, click Install.

To use custom icons from a different theme with your active theme:

  1. Go to Settings > Themes > Editor > Icons.
  2. Make sure “Use Icon Set from” is enabled and select a theme from the drop-down menu.

Tip #211

Use the filtering options on Vivaldi Themes to find the perfect Vivaldi browser theme for you.

Vivaldi Themes just got an update, which makes finding browser themes that match your preferences a lot easier. For example, you can look up the most popular anime and manga themes incorporating the color yellow, the newest minimalist themes in black or any other combination you can think of.

To find your perfect theme:

  1. Go to themes.vivaldi.net.
  2. On the homepage, click on “View all featured/popular/latest themes”.
  3. On the next page in the menu on the left side, select the criteria according to which you want to filter the themes.
  4. Browse through results and click on the theme for a closer look to preview and install the theme.

If you’ve made an amazing theme and want to share it with others, upload it to Vivaldi Themes by following the instructions in Tip #152.

Tip #176

Check the status and availability of Vivaldi’s online services on vivaldistatus.com.

Whether we’re doing scheduled maintenance or servers are acting up despite all the love we give them, there’s always a chance that Vivaldi’s online services will be temporarily unavailable. With scheduled maintenance we notify our users ahead of time via email* and notifications on the website, so downtime wouldn’t come as a surprise. With unexpected outages our system administrators do their best to get things back up again as fast as possible.

If you’re having trouble accessing and using Vivaldi services, it’s good to check our status page on https://vivaldistatus.com, to confirm whether the services are operational or there’s something going on.

*Make sure you’re subscribed to Technical Updates on your account’s profile on Vivaldi.net.

Tip #152

Share your custom browser theme with the community on themes.vivaldi.net.

Creativity has no limits and with the Themes editor in Vivaldi, you can let it run wild. Change the colors, add a custom background, tweak the settings and you have yourself a custom theme. Would be a shame to keep it to yourself. Themes.vivaldi.net is the place where Vivaldi users can share their creations with the community and already over 3000 themes have been published on the website.

Here’s how you can share your theme:

  1. Go to Settings > Themes > Library and select the theme you want to share.
  2. Click on Export Theme below the themes.
  3. Save the ZIP file to your computer.
  4. Go to Vivaldi Themes on https://themes.vivaldi.net.
  5. Log in to your Vivaldi account.
  6. Click Upload in the top right corner of the page.
  7. Fill in the details about the theme (in English) and upload the ZIP file.
  8. When you’re ready, click Create theme.

Vivaldi Team will review your theme and publish it. You’ll be notified once the theme has been published (also, when for some reason, the theme was rejected).

The homepage of themes.vivaldi.net in a Vivaldi browser window using a theme from a community member (vladstudio).
Themes.vivaldi.net homepage. Theme by vladstudio.

Tip #100

Select a different Theme for the Private Window.

Private Windows in Vivaldi have a different Theme from regular Windows to make it easier to see which one you’re using. You can set any theme from your Theme Library as the Private Window’s theme by:

  1. Going to Settings > Themes > Private Window Theme.
  2. Selecting a theme from the drop-down menu.

To add Themes created by the Vivaldi Community to your Theme Library, install them from themes.vivaldi.net.

Private and regular windows with different themes.
Private Window with a theme by かつの 悦夫えつお in the foreground and a regular window with a theme by TheJhonX in the background.

Tip #3

On Vivaldi Themes, click on “Download theme” to preview the theme before installing it.

When browsing themes.vivaldi.net for new Themes for your desktop Vivaldi browser, you can get a live preview of the theme by clicking “Download theme”.

Then you have 1 minute to see how the theme looks. Make sure to check the Start Page to see how the awesome background image looks behind your Speed Dials. Other places where the user interface colours are clearly visible are Panels, Settings, Mail, etc.

When you’re satisfied with the theme, click “Install” in the pop-up to add the theme to your Theme Library. If it’s not really what you were looking for, click “Cancel” or let the preview time run out.