Tip #527

Encrypt emails you send via Vivaldi Webmail.

To ensure top-notch privacy for your email correspondence, you can encrypt the emails you send from Vivaldi Webmail.

To set up encryption in Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Enable encryption options in Settings > Preferences > Encryption.
  2. Create or import PGP keys.
  3. Share public keys with people you want to have encrypted conversations with.
  4. Encrypt emails when composing new messages.

For detailed instructions for each step, check out the article about email encryption on Vivaldi Help.

Key passphrase dialog in Vivaldi Webmail shown to decrypt an incoming email.

Tip #472

Import contacts from vCard and CSV files to Vivaldi Webmail.

Bring your address book over to your Vivaldi account and add new contacts any time from the Contacts page in Vivaldi Webmail and send emails in a breeze.

To import contacts to Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Open the Contacts page in Vivaldi Webmail.
  2. Click on Import on the menu above the contact view.
  3. In the importer window, choose your contacts file.
  4. Select the contact group to add the new contacts to.
  5. Click Import.
Import contacts window open in Vivaldi Webmail.

Tip #451

Choose whether you want to quote the email you’re replying to in Vivaldi Webmail or not.

When replying to an email, Vivaldi Webmail offers a few options for you. You can decide whether to include the message you’re replying to or not. If you decide to keep the message, you can choose whether to write your own message above or below it.

To pick your preference:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences > Composing Messages > Main Options.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu next to “When replying” and choose the option that appeals to you:
    • Do not quote the original message,
    • Start new message below the quote,
    • Start new message above the quote,
    • Start new message above the quote (no indentation).
Vivaldi Webmail with message composing settings open.

Tip #421

Change Vivaldi Webmail’s user interface language to the one you understand best.

Vivaldi Webmail is an email service for active Vivaldi Community members. As the community includes speakers from many different languages, the language preferences for the browser and services also vary.

To change the user interface language on Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences > User Interface > Main Options > Language.
  2. Select your preferred language.
  3. Click “Save”.

Tip #232

Add multiple contacts at once when composing messages in Vivaldi Webmail.

When you’re composing a new email in Vivaldi Webmail, you can start typing each recipient’s email and rely on auto-complete suggestions or you can view a list of your Contacts and select the recipients.

To add multiple contacts at once:

  1. In the message composer, click on Add Contact on the right side of the “To” field.
  2. Click on Select at the bottom of the contacts window to select multiple contacts.
  3. Tick the boxes in front of each contact you want to add as a recipient.
  4. When you’ve made your choice, click on Insert.
Contact selection pop up window open in Vivaldi Webmail.

Tip #192

Pay attention to incoming emails and don’t get scammed.

We’ve listed a few tips below to help you be vigilant and not fall for email scams.

  • Look at the sender address. Be suspicious of email addresses containing misspellings, ones that are just made up of gibberish or do not look related to the sender they claim to be.
    Also, be cautious when there’s a different Reply-To address, especially if it matches the descriptions above.
Warning message in Vivaldi Mail: ""Reply-To" does not match the "From" address. Make sure you trust the "Reply-To" address before replying."
In Vivaldi Mail, you’ll see a warning when the From and Reply-To email addresses don’t match.
  • Pay attention to message content. If what the message promises is too good to be true, it’s probably not true (e.g. claiming you inherited or won a large amount of money).
    Also, when an email, seemingly from a reputable company, is written with poor grammar or your acquaintance writes in a style unusual for them, look for other clues.
    Be suspicious of emails that create urgency and ask you to act fast.
  • Don’t trust emails that ask for your personal information (ID number, bank account details, etc.). If you think that a reputable institution is asking you to update your personal information, don’t follow the links in the email, but go to their website directly to check your account.
  • You might be asked to visit a link. Don’t blindly open them. Hover over the links and check the browser’s status bar to see where it wants to take you.
Bottom left corner of Vivaldi Browser window, showing a link with mouse cursor hovering over it and it's URL on the Status Bar.
Hover over the link and check the Status Bar at the bottom of the browser window, to see which website you’ll be taken to.
  • If you don’t fully trust the sender, don’t open files attached to the email.
  • Use other means of communication to verify that the person or company really sent the message. For example, if a colleague asks you to do something (share a password, purchase something, etc.) via email, call them or ask them in person, whether they really made the request.

Tip #176

Check the status and availability of Vivaldi’s online services on vivaldistatus.com.

Whether we’re doing scheduled maintenance or servers are acting up despite all the love we give them, there’s always a chance that Vivaldi’s online services will be temporarily unavailable. With scheduled maintenance we notify our users ahead of time via email* and notifications on the website, so downtime wouldn’t come as a surprise. With unexpected outages our system administrators do their best to get things back up again as fast as possible.

If you’re having trouble accessing and using Vivaldi services, it’s good to check our status page on https://vivaldistatus.com, to confirm whether the services are operational or there’s something going on.

*Make sure you’re subscribed to Technical Updates on your account’s profile on Vivaldi.net.

Tip #170

Toggle between Plain Text and HTML message composer in Vivaldi Webmail with just one click.

Email messages can come in either Plain Text or HTML formatting. As the name indicates, messages sent in Plain Text display the email with just text, without any additional formatting. Senders of HTML messages, on the other hand, can add all sorts of formatting (fonts, colors, text alignment, images, etc.) to their message.

In Vivaldi Webmail (not to confuse with Vivaldi Mail, the browser’s mail client) it’s very easy to switch between the two editors when composing messages. Just click on the HTML button in the top left corner of the message body box. Click on Plain Text at the same spot to return to Plain Text editor.

For a more permanent switch to the HTML editor:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences > Composing Messages.
  2. For Compose HTML messages, select between the following options:
    • Never (i.e. always compose in Plain Text),
    • On reply to HTML message,
    • On forward and reply to HTML message,
    • Always,
    • Always, except when replying to plain text.
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Tip #116

Save frequently used replies as Responses to write emails faster in Vivaldi Webmail.

In case you often have to send the same message in Vivaldi Webmail, you can save the message text as a Response instead of typing it every time.

To add a new response:

  1. In Vivaldi Webmail, go to  Settings > Responses and click on  Create above the Responses editor.
  2. Give the new response a name and type the message text.
  3. Click Save.

If you want to save a message you’ve written in the email composer as a response, click Responses on the menu above the email composer and select Create New Response.

To use a response:

  1. Click  Responses on the menu above the email composer.
  2. Select a saved response.

Tip #75

Create filters in Vivaldi Webmail to automatically organize your incoming messages.

If you receive a lot of messages, it helps to automate some of the organizational work. Creating Filters is a good way to move incoming messages to a different folder, add flags to them, reply with a predefined message and more.

To create Filters in Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Log in to your Vivaldi account on webmail.vivaldi.net.
  2. Go to Settings > Filters.
  3. Click on Create on the top edge of the page, towards the right side.
  4. Give the filter a name, create the rule and set the action to be applied.
  5. Click Save.

On the screenshot below, you can see an example of a filter that moves messages containing the words “[Book Club]” in the subject to a folder titled Book Club.

Tip #56

Click on the “moon” button to switch Vivaldi Webmail to dark mode.

You can access your Vivaldi email account on webmail.vivaldi.net, where Webmail’s Elastic (default) theme offers both light and dark versions.

Click on the moon icon at the bottom left corner of the page to switch to dark mode.

When dark mode is enabled, click on the sun to return to light mode.