Tip #463

Give a rating and share your feedback on the themes you’ve downloaded from Vivaldi Themes.

There are thousands of custom themes that the Vivaldi Community has shared on themes.vivaldi.net. When you’ve downloaded a theme and you like it, head back to the theme’s page to leave a good star rating and an appreciative comment to the author. In addition to making the author happy, it also helps the best themes reach the top of the popular page.

To review a shared Vivaldi Theme:

  1. Go to themes.vivaldi.net.
  2. Log in to your Vivaldi account.
  3. Download a theme you like.
  4. Right below the theme preview, click on the stars to add your rating.
  5. Write a comment with compliments and/or feedback to the author.
A theme page on Vivaldi Themes with "Rate this theme"
Theme by Kocaelispor.

Tip #446

Use the Code Editor to write blog posts on your Vivaldi.net blog.

In Tip #430 we talked about the Block and Classic editors for your Vivaldi.net blog. But there’s a third option you can use with either of the editors as the default. That’s the Code Editor, which allows you to write your post using HTML.

To enable the Code Editor:

  • Open the Options menu from the top right corner and select “Code Editor”.
  • Use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Alt + M / Command + Option + Shift + M.

To exit the Code Editor, select “Visual Editor” from the Options menu or use the same shortcut.

Options menu open on a Vivaldi.net blog with the Code Editor option highlighted.

Tip #430

Set your preferred editor, Block or Classic, as the default editor for your Vivaldi blog.

Some time ago WordPress, the blogging platform used on vivaldi.net, introduced a new editor for blogs, called the Gutenberg editor. The new editor makes use of various blocks with numerous customization settings to build a post or a page. But since many still prefer the old version, aka the Classic editor, bloggers on vivaldi.net have the option to pick the one they prefer.

To set a default editor for your Vivaldi blog:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Writing > Default editor for all users.
  2. Select either “Classic editor” or “Block editor”.
  3. Click on “Save Changes”.

Tip #421

Change Vivaldi Webmail’s user interface language to the one you understand best.

Vivaldi Webmail is an email service for active Vivaldi Community members. As the community includes speakers from many different languages, the language preferences for the browser and services also vary.

To change the user interface language on Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences > User Interface > Main Options > Language.
  2. Select your preferred language.
  3. Click “Save”.

Tip #328

Type / and the name of the block to add it to your Vivaldi.net blog post.

Vivaldi Community Blogs are built on WordPress and use the Gutenberg editor with its block structure. When you’re writing a new blog post and want to add something other than simple text, such as headings, lists, images, videos, etc., you can click the Add Block button and choose one from the selection of blocks or you can insert one by just typing.

To insert a new block:

  1. At the start of a new paragraph, enter the forward slash symbol /.
  2. Then, with the up and down arrow keys, select a recently used block or start typing the name of the block you need.
  3. Press Enter to insert the block.
Vivaldi.net blog editor open in Vivaldi browser. "/im" has been typed and suggestions for image related blocks are displayed in a menu.

Tip #316

Help us help you by adding useful information to your Forum signature.

The best place to get an answer to any of your Vivaldi questions is the Vivaldi Forum. To get a good answer, it’s useful for the ones replying to you to know about the environment you’re using Vivaldi on. For example, a Keyboard Shortcut for Windows is not very useful, if you’re on macOS, where the same command can have a different key combination.

You could include this information in each of your posts, but you can skip the repetition by adding these details to your account’s signature, which is automatically added below each of your posts.

To add a signature to your account on the Forum:

  1. Go to your profile on the Forum, either by visiting this link https://forum.vivaldi.net/me/edit or by clicking on your avatar in the Forum’s top right corner and selecting “Profile”.
  2. Fill out the Signature field.
  3. Click “Save changes”.

You should include information about your devices’ operating system and other technical specifications, also whether you’ve installed the Stable or Snapshot version of the browser. You’re more than welcome to share other information in the signature, just keep it short.

As a spam prevention measure, you need to have earned at least 2 reputation points before you can add a signature to your profile.

Vivaldi Forum profile with the Signature field highlighted.

Tip #300

Discuss Vivaldi on your favorite social channels.

Vivaldi Browser aficionados, those who have just discovered Vivaldi, and everyone in between have joined either communities we have started or they’ve created their own space on the internet around their common interest – Vivaldi. We love to see your praise and feedback on Vivaldi, plus witness new online friendships being formed.😊

If you’re active on any of these platforms, join us!

Know of more places where Vivaldi users gather? Let us know!

Tip #282

Filter blog posts by category on blogs.vivaldi.net.

The Community on Vivaldi.net writes blog posts on various different topics. We’ve created a number of categories blog authors can list their posts in. That way, readers can read posts on topics they’re interested in more easily and bloggers can increase the visibility of their content.

To see a selection of blog posts on the topic you’re interested in:

  1. Go to blogs.vivaldi.net.
  2. In the menu on the right side of the page, click on one of the categories.
  3. Browse blogs on the chosen topic.
Community blogs page open on the Gadgets category. List of categories is highlighted.

Tip #256

Click ♥ Follow to keep track of new posts from your favorite bloggers on Vivaldi.net.

There are many active bloggers in the Vivaldi Community, who write on all topics imaginable. To see the latest posts from your favorite bloggers make sure to follow them. There are several ways to do that. But first make sure that you’re logged in to your Vivaldi account.

  • Visit their blog and click ♥ Follow on the black menu bar at the top of the page.
  • When you come across one of their posts on blogs.vivaldi.net, click ♥ Follow on the post preview (see image below).
  • On the WordPress Dashboard > Reader click ♥ Follow on the post preview.

You can also see the posts from followed blogs in a few places:

Blogs.vivaldi.net page open in Vivaldi browser with Follow button below one of the posts magnified.

Tip #150

Join Vivaldi Social to connect with people from all over the fediverse.

You might be thinking, what’s a fediverse? Fediverse is an open network of communities committed to a better way of communicating online and allowing for constant improvements. Vivaldi Social is a fediverse instance powered by Mastodon. It’s similar to other well known social networks, but there’s no singular owner, no surveillance capitalism and no tracking or profiling of users. You can read more about it on the Vivaldi Blog.

To join Vivaldi social:

  1. Go to https://vivaldi.social/.
  2. Log in with your Vivaldi account.
  3. Start browsing, posting and interacting with everyone.

Your username on Vivaldi Social will be generated from your Vivaldi account’s username like this – @[email protected]. To learn more about how to use Vivaldi Social, check out the new articles on Vivaldi Help.

Tip #70

Make the page of your choice Vivaldi Forum’s homepage.

If there’s a page you visit often on the Forum, consider making it your Forum homepage. Then, while logged in, whenever you click Home on the Forum menu or go to forum.vivaldi.net, you’ll be shown your chosen homepage.

To set a homepage:

  1. Log in to your Vivaldi account on forum.vivaldi.net.
  2. Go to forum.vivaldi.net/me/settings.
    Alternatively, click on your avatar in the top right corner and select Settings from the menu.
  3. In the Select a Homepage section, click on the dropdown menu and select your preferred page or set a custom one.
Forum homepage setting.

Tip #9

Change the look of Vivaldi’s user interface with custom CSS modifications.

If you’re familiar with reading and writing code, you can edit the desktop browser’s user interface with your own custom CSS modifications.

To get started:

  1. In vivaldi://experiments, enable “Allow for using CSS modifications”.
  2. In Settings > Appearance > Custom UI Modifications, select the folder where you’ll store all your custom CSS files.
  3. Restart the browser.

Now you can start inspecting the user interface using Developer Tools, write up your own CSS for the elements you want to change and see the browser transform to fit your preferences even more.

Vivaldi Community shares and works on modifications together on the Forum’s Modifications category. Feel free to ask assistance and share your work there.

Important! Code shared on the forum has not been reviewed by the Vivaldi Team. Which means that issues, including security issues, may be present.

If you don’t want to risk corrupting your main browser profile, test your modifications in a different User Profile or use a Standalone version of Vivaldi.

Tip #7

Click on the blue circle on your Forum profile to find all your content and followed posts.

When you go to your Vivaldi Forum profile on https://forum.vivaldi.net/me (or click on your profile image in the top right corner of the Forum and then on your username), you’ll find a 🔵 blue circle on the right side of the profile page.

Clicking on the button will open a menu with a lot of useful options. For example, you can see a list of all the discussions you’ve started (Topics) and comments you’ve made (Posts). Useful, when you’re looking for that one post you made ages ago.

In addition, you can manage the categories that you watch. Posts in the watched categories appear in the Unread and Recent sections of the Forum.

Open profile page menu.