Tip #545

Don’t forget to link your sources when sharing your custom Vivaldi Theme.

Vivaldi Themes has thousands of themes created by the Vivaldi Community members. Some have been made from scratch with a custom Start Page background image and toolbar button icons. Others have used sources available online.

In the latter case, when you’re uploading your own theme to Vivaldi Themes, first make sure that you’re even allowed to use the image and, secondly, remember to add a link to the source.

Vivaldi Themes upload page. Arrow pointing to image source field.

Tip #542

Pin an important blog post to the top of your Vivaldi.net blog.

Whether an introduction to your blog or a post that you’re especially proud of, pinning it to the top of your blog will ensure that no one will miss it.

To pin a blog post:

  1. Open the post you want to pin in the editor.
  2. Go to the post’s settings panel on the right side.
  3. Tick the box for “Stick to the top of the blog”.
Vivaldi.net blog post open in the WordPress editor. An arrow is pointing to the "Stick to the top of the blog" checkbox in settings panel.

Tip #520

Browse additional Themes from the same author on Vivaldi Themes.

When you find a beautiful theme created by one of our community members in the Vivaldi Themes gallery and like the author’s style, browse their other themes to find even more gorgeous creations.

To view all themes by the author:

  1. Go to themes.vivaldi.net and look for one you like.
  2. Click on the theme to view its page.
  3. In the theme information section, click on the name next to “Made by”.
A theme page with an arrow pointing at the author's name.

Tip #503

Replace icons on menu buttons with text labels in your Vivaldi.net blog’s editor.

Having too many icons can sometimes make things confusing. To make it clear what one or the other button on your Vivaldi blog editor’s menus does, you can opt to display text labels instead of icons.

To switch from icons to text:

  1. Open the blog post editor on your Vivaldi.net blog.
  2. Click on the Options menu in the top right corner.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. In General > Appearance, toggle on “Show button text labels”.
Vivaldi.net blog editor with text on buttons instead of icons.

Tip #478

Show off your personality and what your blog is about with a custom header image.

Give your blog on Vivaldi.net a look that reflects you and the topics you’re blogging about – from theme colors to fonts, a logo, and a header image. In this tip, let’s find out how to add the latter.

To add a header image to your blog:

  1. Click “Customize” on the top menu bar of your blog or go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize.
  2. Go to the Header Image section.
  3. Click “Add New Image” to upload a new image, select one from your Media Library, or search for an image using Instant Images. Alternatively, select a premade color gradient as the header image.
  4. If needed, change the blog title color.
  5. Click “Publish” to save the changes.
Blog customization page open on the header image section.

Tip #463

Give a rating and share your feedback on the themes you’ve downloaded from Vivaldi Themes.

There are thousands of custom themes that the Vivaldi Community has shared on themes.vivaldi.net. When you’ve downloaded a theme and you like it, head back to the theme’s page to leave a good star rating and an appreciative comment to the author. In addition to making the author happy, it also helps the best themes reach the top of the popular page.

To review a shared Vivaldi Theme:

  1. Go to themes.vivaldi.net.
  2. Log in to your Vivaldi account.
  3. Download a theme you like.
  4. Right below the theme preview, click on the stars to add your rating.
  5. Write a comment with compliments and/or feedback to the author.
A theme page on Vivaldi Themes with "Rate this theme"
Theme by Kocaelispor.

Tip #446

Use the Code Editor to write blog posts on your Vivaldi.net blog.

In Tip #430 we talked about the Block and Classic editors for your Vivaldi.net blog. But there’s a third option you can use with either of the editors as the default. That’s the Code Editor, which allows you to write your post using HTML.

To enable the Code Editor:

  • Open the Options menu from the top right corner and select “Code Editor”.
  • Use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Alt + M / Command + Option + Shift + M.

To exit the Code Editor, select “Visual Editor” from the Options menu or use the same shortcut.

Options menu open on a Vivaldi.net blog with the Code Editor option highlighted.

Tip #430

Set your preferred editor, Block or Classic, as the default editor for your Vivaldi blog.

Some time ago WordPress, the blogging platform used on vivaldi.net, introduced a new editor for blogs, called the Gutenberg editor. The new editor makes use of various blocks with numerous customization settings to build a post or a page. But since many still prefer the old version, aka the Classic editor, bloggers on vivaldi.net have the option to pick the one they prefer.

To set a default editor for your Vivaldi blog:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Writing > Default editor for all users.
  2. Select either “Classic editor” or “Block editor”.
  3. Click on “Save Changes”.

Tip #421

Change Vivaldi Webmail’s user interface language to the one you understand best.

Vivaldi Webmail is an email service for active Vivaldi Community members. As the community includes speakers from many different languages, the language preferences for the browser and services also vary.

To change the user interface language on Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences > User Interface > Main Options > Language.
  2. Select your preferred language.
  3. Click “Save”.

Tip #328

Type / and the name of the block to add it to your Vivaldi.net blog post.

Vivaldi Community Blogs are built on WordPress and use the Gutenberg editor with its block structure. When you’re writing a new blog post and want to add something other than simple text, such as headings, lists, images, videos, etc., you can click the Add Block button and choose one from the selection of blocks or you can insert one by just typing.

To insert a new block:

  1. At the start of a new paragraph, enter the forward slash symbol /.
  2. Then, with the up and down arrow keys, select a recently used block or start typing the name of the block you need.
  3. Press Enter to insert the block.
Vivaldi.net blog editor open in Vivaldi browser. "/im" has been typed and suggestions for image related blocks are displayed in a menu.

Tip #316

Help us help you by adding useful information to your Forum signature.

The best place to get an answer to any of your Vivaldi questions is the Vivaldi Forum. To get a good answer, it’s useful for the ones replying to you to know about the environment you’re using Vivaldi on. For example, a Keyboard Shortcut for Windows is not very useful, if you’re on macOS, where the same command can have a different key combination.

You could include this information in each of your posts, but you can skip the repetition by adding these details to your account’s signature, which is automatically added below each of your posts.

To add a signature to your account on the Forum:

  1. Go to your profile on the Forum, either by visiting this link https://forum.vivaldi.net/me/edit or by clicking on your avatar in the Forum’s top right corner and selecting “Profile”.
  2. Fill out the Signature field.
  3. Click “Save changes”.

You should include information about your devices’ operating system and other technical specifications, also whether you’ve installed the Stable or Snapshot version of the browser. You’re more than welcome to share other information in the signature, just keep it short.

As a spam prevention measure, you need to have earned at least 2 reputation points before you can add a signature to your profile.

Vivaldi Forum profile with the Signature field highlighted.

Tip #300

Discuss Vivaldi on your favorite social channels.

Vivaldi Browser aficionados, those who have just discovered Vivaldi, and everyone in between have joined either communities we have started or they’ve created their own space on the internet around their common interest – Vivaldi. We love to see your praise and feedback on Vivaldi, plus witness new online friendships being formed.😊

If you’re active on any of these platforms, join us!

Know of more places where Vivaldi users gather? Let us know!