Tip #532

Divide your Speed Dials into groups in Vivaldi on Android and iOS.

Just like on desktop (See Tip #101) the same way on mobile, you can have multiple pages of your favorite bookmarks, Speed Dials, on the Start Page.

To create a new Speed Dial page, aka group:

  1. Swipe left on the Start Page until you see a screen like the one on the image below and tap on the “Add New Group” button.
    Alternatively, tap on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the Start Page and select “New Group” from the menu.
  2. Give the group a name.
  3. Tap “Done”.
  4. Start adding/moving bookmarks to it.

To add an existing bookmark folder to the Start Page:

  1. Open the Bookmarks Panel.
  2. Long-press on the folder you want to add to the Start Page and select “Edit”.
  3. Toggle on “Use as Group”.
  4. Tap “Done”.
Vivaldi on Android with "Add New Group" prompt displayed on the Start Page.

Tip #524

Give your Bookmarks on mobile nicknames to open them faster.

In Vivaldi on Android and Vivaldi on iOS, instead of scrolling through folders in the Bookmarks Panel, opening a new tab to get to the Speed Dial, or trying to remember the bookmarked page’s link, you can give your Bookmarks memorable nicknames and type them in the Address Bar to quickly open the web page.

To give a bookmark a nickname:

  1. Open the Side Panel.
  2. Switch to Bookmarks Panel, if it’s not already open.
  3. Open the folder containing the bookmark you want to give a nickname.
  4. Long press the bookmark.
  5. Choose edit (pen icon).
  6. Add a nickname and save.

Bookmark Nicknames are synced, so you only need to do it once to use the same nickname on all platforms.

To learn how to add Bookmark Nicknames on desktop, check out Tip #28.

An arrow pointing at the Bookmark Nickname in Vivaldi on Android's Address Bar drop-down menu.

Tip #505

Discover the two ways you can reopen recently closed tabs in Vivaldi on Android.

Vivaldi keeps the most recent tabs, you either unintentionally closed or have changed your mind about closing, available in a list, from where you can easily reopen them.

To open a recently closed tab in the active tab:

  1. Open the Vivaldi menu and select “Recent tabs”.
  2. Tap on the link you want to reopen.

To open a recently closed tab in a new tab:

  1. Open the Tab Switcher.
  2. Navigate to the  Closed Tabs tab.
  3. Tap on the link you want to reopen.
Recently closed tabs menu in Vivaldi on Android.

Tip #494

Clear Cookies on Android only from the website you currently have open with 3 quick taps.

Cookies keep you logged in, store your preferences, and save other information about your visit to the site. If you want to remove the data for a particular site, you don’t need to delete all saved cookies and data from Settings > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data. Instead, you can do it while you have the site open in the active tab.

To delete cookies:

  1. Tap on the Site info button on the left side of the Address Bar.
  2. Select “Cookies and site data”.
  3. Next to the number showing the amount stored data, tap on Delete.
Menu for deleting cookies and site data for a specific website open in Vivaldi on Android.

Tip #482

Set a custom wallpaper for the Start Page in Vivaldi on Android.

The Start Page is a gateway to the web, showcasing all your favorite bookmarks – Speed Dials. Learn how to jazz it up with a cool wallpaper. ✨

Here’s how to set a custom wallpaper on Android:

  1. Go to Settings > Appearance > Start Page Wallpaper.
  2. Choose a wallpaper from the presets or select one from your Android phone’s/tablet’s gallery.
Start Page Wallpaper settings and example in Vivaldi on Android.

Tip #475

Add web pages to your Speed Dial for easy access in Vivaldi on Android.

It’s common to add regularly visited sites to one’s Bookmarks, but scouring through the folders in the Bookmarks Panel is tedious. To open your favorite sites with the minimum effort, add them to the Speed Dial. Then, whenever you open a new tab in Vivaldi on Android, they’ll be just one tap away.

To add a website as a Speed Dial bookmark on the Start Page:

  1. Open the web page in a tab.
  2. Open the Vivaldi menu and select “Add Bookmark”.
  3. Tap on “Edit” in the confirmation banner that appears at the bottom of the browser window.
  4. For the bookmark location select a Speed Dial folder.
  5. Finish by tapping on “Done” in the top right corner.
Speed Dial in Vivaldi on Android.

Tip #471

Check image Alt text on mobile devices from the image’s context menu.

Alt text provides additional information about the images you find on web pages. On the one hand, it makes the content on the page more accessible, for example, for people who use screen readers, but Alt text is also displayed when, for one reason or another, the images fail to load. Even if you don’t rely on assistive technologies and the content loads without issues, you might still want to take a look at the description of the image.

To view Alt text in Vivaldi on Android and Vivaldi on iOS, long-press on the image to open the context menu, where the Alt text will be displayed as the first thing in the menu.

In Vivaldi on iOS, the whole description is displayed. On Android, if the text is too long, you need to tap on it to display it in its entirety.

A web page with an image open in Vivaldi on Android. The image has been long pressed to display the context menu and Alt text.

Tip #460

Download web pages for offline viewing in Vivaldi on Android.

Heading somewhere with no internet connection, but plenty of time to read? Download the web pages you want to check out while offline to your phone or tablet with Vivaldi on Android.

To download a page:

  1. Open the page in a tab.
  2. Go to the Vivaldi menu and select “Download”.

Alternatively, long-press on a link on a page and select “Download link”.

You’ll find the page in your downloaded files, or better yet, before or after downloading the page, add it to the Reading List for easy access.

Vivaldi menu open in Vivaldi browser on Android with the Download button highlighted.

Tip #453

If you’ve moved the Address Bar to the bottom on mobile, also reverse the order of search suggestions.

When you’re holding your phone with just one hand, having everything important within easy reach on the screen is vital. That’s why, when you have the Address Bar at the bottom in Vivaldi on Android or iOS, you can bring the most relevant search suggestions closer to the bottom of the screen as well.

To reverse the search suggestions order on Android:

  1. Go to Settings > Appearance.
  2. If you haven’t already, enable “Address Bar At Bottom”.
  3. Toggle on “Reverse search suggestion order”.
  4. Restart the app.

To reverse the search suggestions order on iOS:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs.
  2. If you haven’t already, select “Bottom” for Address Bar Position.
  3. Toggle on “Reverse search suggestion order”.
Reversed search suggestions order and the settings page open on two iOS devices.

Tip #448

Lock Private Tabs on Android when you leave Vivaldi.

When you leave Private Tabs open for longer, you can lock them for additional privacy. Next time you open Vivaldi and wish to view a private tab, you’ll first be asked for your phone’s or tablet’s screen lock (PIN, password, pattern, etc.).

To enable or disable locking of Private Tabs:

  1. Go to the Vivaldi menu > Settings > Privacy and Security.
  2. Toggle on “Lock Private tabs when you leave Vivaldi”.
  3. Verify yourself with your device’s unlock method.
Privacy and Security settings in Vivaldi on Android. Lock Private Tabs setting is highlighted.

Tip #443

When presented with a choice screen on your mobile don’t forget to pick Vivaldi as your default browser.

As of this week, Europeans will be presented with an option that can help make the web a better place. The Browser Choice Screen will be shown when you update your iOS or Android device or when you set up a brand new one.

Vivaldi’s Co-Founder and CEO Jon von Tetzchner, has been pushing for regulation of Big Tech and better user rights for decades. Finally seeing the impact of speaking up and fighting back is a big win. The browser and search engine choice screens are a massive step in the direction of fair competition and granting users freedom to choose.

We are committed to your privacy and security. We believe that your online data belongs to you, not to advertisers or third-party trackers. Reclaim control of your online experience and make a clear statement.

When you see the browser choice screen, choose Vivaldi—the browser that puts you first. If Vivaldi isn’t on the list, go to your phone’s app settings to set it as the default manually.

Text "A small click for you, a massive step for a better web" with an image of a choice screen on mobile highlighting Vivaldi below it.

Tip #439

Choose whether to focus on the Address Bar or the Speed Dial in a new tab in Vivaldi on Android.

When you open a new tab, do you usually start typing a website link or a search term in the Address Field, or do you open one of your favorite Speed Dial bookmarks? Vivaldi on Android allows you to choose your preferred option and, depending on your choice, either opens the keyboard, so you can start typing immediately, or keeps it closed so you can view the Speed Dials.

To review your choice:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Focus Address Bar on New Tab.
  2. Toggle the setting off, if you prefer to see the Speed Dials or leave it enabled, for the keyboard to pop up.
Settings in Vivaldi on Android, highlighting "Focus Address Bar on New Tab:.

Tip #429

Share multiple open Tabs in one go with Vivaldi on Android.

You’ve done the research, you’ve found the top contenders, now it’s time for others to have their say. Instead of sharing each link one by one, Vivaldi on Android gives you the option to select multiple open tabs and share their URLs as a neat list in a single message.

To share multiple tabs at once:

  1. Open the Tab Switcher.
  2. Open the menu at the top of the screen and tap on “Select tabs”.
  3. Tap on the tabs you want to share.
  4. Tap on the menu again.
  5. Select “Share”.
  6. Choose the app you want to share the links on and follow the steps in the app.
Vivaldi on Android's Tab Switcher with 3 selected tabs and a menu open to share the links of selected tabs.

Tip #420

Disable Search Engine Nicknames in Vivaldi on Android to prevent accidental search engine switching.

Single-letter Search Engine Nicknames allow you to quickly switch search engines from the Address Bar of Vivaldi on Android. But if, for example, due to characteristics in the language you use, you find yourself unintentionally switching search engines you can disable the feature.

To disable nickname use:

  1. Go to Settings > Search Engine Settings.
  2. Toggle off “Enable Search Engine Shortcut”.