Tip #518

Move the active tab to a different Workspace using Command Chains.

You can find Keyboard Shortcuts for numerous actions in your Vivaldi browser and with Command Chains you can make many more. For example, you can create a chain for moving the active tab to a different Workspace and bind it to a Keyboard Shortcut and Mouse Gesture of your choice. You can also type the chain’s name in Quick Commands and even add a custom button on one of the toolbars to execute the chain on click.

To create a command chain for moving the active tab to a different workspace:

  1. Go to Settings > Quick Commands > Command Chains.
  2. Click on “Add Command Chain”.
  3. Give the new chain a name.
  4. Enter the following commands.
    Use the “Add Command” button in the top right corner of the first command to add the next one.
    • Focus Address Field
    • Delay (100)
    • Copy
    • Delay (1000)
    • Close Tab
    • Switch to Workspace #
    • New Tab
    • Delay (100)
    • Paste and Go
  5. Go to Settings > Keyboard > Workspaces and/or Settings > Mouse > New Gesture and find the chain you created.
  6. Give the new chain a shortcut.
  7. Go to a page you want to move and use the shortcut to test your new Command Chain.
  8. Create the chain for each Workspace you have.

Tip #418

Press “R” to fetch the latest Calendar events from online calendar accounts.

Vivaldi Calendar checks for updates from the online calendar accounts you’ve added to Vivaldi every 10 minutes. You can also trigger updates manually. When you have single-key Keyboard Shortcuts enabled, the easiest option is to just press the R key and you’ll be up to date.

In true Vivaldi fashion, there are other ways to update the calendar:

  • In the main Calendar view, open the Calendar’s menu in the top left corner and select “Refresh”.
  • Click on the Calendar button on the Status Bar, go to the Accounts tab, and click “Refresh”.
  • Type “Refresh Calendar” in Quick Commands.
  • Create a Mouse Gesture for the action.

Tip #380

Add new events without even going to the Calendar by opening the event dialog with a shortcut.

With the integrated Vivaldi Calendar, you can quickly add events and get back to what you were doing in no time by opening the new event dialog using either Quick Commands, a Keyboard Shortcut, or a Mouse Gesture.

Quick Commands

  1. Open Quick Commands (F2 / ⌘ E).
  2. Type in “Add Calendar Event (dialog)” and press Enter.
  3. Add the event.

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. First, create the shortcut in Settings > Keyboard > Window > Add Calendar Event (dialog).
  2. Use the shortcut to open the event dialog.
  3. Add the event.

Mouse Gesture

  1. First, create the gesture in Settings > Mouse > New Gesture > Add Calendar Event (dialog).
  2. Use the shortcut to open the event dialog.
  3. Add the event.
Vivaldi Calendar's event editor over a web page.

Tip #323

Use search filters in Quick Commands to find exactly what you’re looking for.

You can narrow down your search in Quick Commands by entering a search filter in front of your search term. Here’s how:

  1. Open Quick Commands  (F2 / ⌘ E).
  2. Type in the search filter:
    • Bookmarks – bookmark:
    • Notes – note:
    • Open and Closed Tabs – tab:
    • Browsing History – history:
    • Commands – command:
    • Page Actions – action:
    • Workspaces – workspace:
  3. Enter the search keyword(s).
  4. Use your keyboard’s arrow keys + Enter or click on the result you want.

For example, the search filter “history: Vivaldi” will search the term “Vivaldi” in History. The search filter “note: cake” will search your Notes for the word “cake.”

It’s also possible to use shorter keywords like bkm: (bookmark), tb: (tab), cmd: (command) and other alternative search terms derived using regular expression.

Quick Commands open in Vivaldi Browser. Search term "History: design" typed in and showing relevant results.

Tip #317

Switch to a tab in a different Workspace swiftly with Quick Commands.

Workspaces are an excellent way to divide tabs into groups to focus on one topic at a time. There are several ways to open a different workspace and one of the tabs in it, such as via the Tab Bar or Window Panel. But another quick way of switching to a specific tab in a different workspace is using Quick Commands.

To switch tabs using Quick Commands:

  1. Open Quick Commands (F2 / ⌘ E).
  2. Start typing the web page’s name or URL.
  3. Select the tab you want to switch to.
Quick Commands open in Vivaldi Browser. Search results

Tip #296

Open links from Quick Commands in a New Tab.

Quick Commands allow you to search everything in Vivaldi – Bookmarks, open Tabs, commands, etc. You can also open web links through Quick Commands by entering the URL and pressing Enter. By default, the link will open in the active tab, but if you prefer to open the link in a new tab:

  1. Go to Settings > Quick Commands > Quick Command Options.
  2. Enable “Open Links in New Tab”.
Vivaldi Social's URL entered in Quick Commands, ready for opening in a new tab.

Tip #244

Use Quick Commands to export Notes.

Making notes as you browse is easy in Vivaldi with the Notes feature. But did you know that you can export notes as individual text files?

To export your notes:

  1. Create a folder for the notes in your File Manage/Finder.
  2. In Vivaldi, open Quick Commands (F2 / ⌘E).
  3. Type in “Export Notes” and press Enter.
  4. In the save dialog, locate and select the folder.
"Export Notes" being typed in Quick Commands in Vivaldi browser.

Tip #208

Instead of looking through menus or trying to remember shortcuts, use Quick Commands to perform actions.

In addition to finding entries from open tabs, bookmarks and history, searching the web, doing simple calculations and more, you can execute various commands in Vivaldi using Quick Commands. You’ll likely have shortcuts for commonly used commands memorized, but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to remember them all and that’s where Quick Commands come in handy.

Just press F2 / ⌘ E on your keyboard to launch Quick Commands and start typing what you want to do. For example, you can type “New Private Window” to open a new incognito window, “Mute Other Tabs” to silence sounds coming from all but the active tab, “Toggle UI” to hide/show all toolbars and lots more.

An article open in Vivaldi Browser. On the foreground Quick Commands have been opened and the word "Add" has been typed in the search field. The option "Add Page to Reading List" has been highlighted in search results.

Tip #195

If a web page doesn’t load properly, try reloading it without cache.

Browsers save some website data to make them load faster when you visit the page again. If you notice that a page you’ve visited before doesn’t load properly, you can try loading the page again without the stored cache, also known as a hard refresh or reload.

To load a page without cache, use one of the following Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • Windows and Linux – Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+F5
  • macOS – ⇧⌘R or ⌘F5

Alternatively, type “Force Page Reload” in Quick Commands.

Tip #178

Use Quick Commands for quick calculations.

Quick Commands are a treasure box of options. You can use it to search, execute commands and also to do simple calculations.

To get an answer to an easy math problem:

  1. Open Quick Commands by pressing F2 / ⌘ E on your keyboard.
  2. Start typing the equation.

As soon as an equation is recognized the answer will be automatically displayed. Press Enter or click on the highlighted line below the text field to copy the answer.

Tip #86

Filter search results in Quick Commands to find exactly what you’re looking for.

To search only a specific category in Quick Commands, you can use a the following keywords in front of the search term to filter out only relevant results:

  • Bookmarks – bookmark:
  • Notes – note:
  • Open and Closed Tabs – tab:
  • Browsing History – history:
  • Commands – command:
  • Page Actions – action:

An example:

  1. Press F2 / ⌘ E to open Quick Commands.
  2. Type “bookmark:” followed by your search term.
  3. If the needed search result isn’t highlighted already, use up and down keyboard keys to select the bookmark you were looking for.
  4. Press Enter or click on the bookmark to open it.

It’s also possible to use shorter keywords like bkm: (bookmark), tb: (tab), cmd: (command) and other alternative search terms derived using regular expression.

Tip #58

Press F2 / ⌘E to open Quick Commands.

Quick Commands in Vivaldi is a powerful universal search, wrapped in a minimal, command line interface. From Quick Commands you can execute commands, search for open and recently closed tabs, open bookmarks and a lot more.

The fastest way to open Quick Commands is to use the Keyboard shortcut F2 / ⌘ E, but you can also open it from  Vivaldi menu button Vivaldi menu > Tools > Quick Commands or create a Mouse Gesture for the action.

Then just start typing what you’re looking for, select the correct item on the list and press Enter (or click on the item).

Vivaldi browser with Quick Commands open on the Start Page.
Theme source

Tip #28

Give your bookmarks nicknames to open them quickly from the Address Bar and Quick Commands.

There are more ways to open bookmarks in Vivaldi than can be counted on one hand. One way is to type the bookmark nickname, instead of the long bookmark link, either in the address field on the Address Bar or in Quick Commands.

To give your bookmark a nickname, edit the bookmark and type a word you associate with the bookmark in the Nickname field.

Bookmark editor pop up

Then, whenever you want to open the bookmarked page, just type the nickname in the address field or Quick Commands and press Enter. While typing, you can also see matching nicknames and the link they’re for in the drop down menu.

Bookmark nickname typed in the address field.

In Quick Commands, to open bookmarks as soon as you’ve finished typing their nickname, you can enable “Open Bookmarks on Nickname Match” in Settings > Quick Commands > Quick Command Options. That way you can even skip pressing Enter.