Tip #474

Fine-tune your notification settings on Vivaldi Social per activity and notification type.

You can receive a notification about many things happening on Vivaldi Social. For example, when someone boosts your post, mentions you in their post, requests to follow you, etc. You probably care about some notifications more than others, so make use of the settings to decide what kind of notifications you get and how.

To edit notification settings:

  1. Go to your Notifications page.
  2. Click “Show settings” in the top right corner of the Notifications column.
  3. Toggle notifications on and off as you wish.

To learn about email notifications, check out Tip #374.

Notification settings open in Vivaldi Social.

Tip #468

Bookmark interesting posts on Vivaldi Social.

When you’ve come across a great post and want all your followers to see it too, you can boost the post. When you just want to let the author know that you liked their post, you can favorite it. Both boosted and favorited content can later be found among your posts and favorites.

But what if you don’t want to publicly interact with the post or want make an extra record of a boosted/favorited post? In that case you have the option to bookmark it. To bookmark a post on Vivaldi Social, simply click on the “Bookmark” button below the interesting post.

A post open on Vivaldi Social with the bookmark button highlighted.

Tip #455

Filter out posts on Vivaldi Social that contain mentions of things you don’t want to see.

On Vivaldi Social, you can automatically hide posts that you find offensive, deal with sensitive matters, just oversaturate your timelines or you don’t wish to see for any other reason. You have the option to hide them behind a warning, still leaving you the option to click and view the post, or you can hide the posts outright.

To create a filter:

  1. Go to Preferences > Filters.
  2. Click on “Add new filter”.
  3. Give the filter a name (if you choose to hide the posts with a warning, the filter’s name will be mentioned on the post).
  4. If you want to apply the filter temporarily, select an expiration time.
  5. Choose where the filter will be applied – Home and lists, Notifications, Public timelines, Conversations, Profiles.
  6. Decide whether to hide the post behind a warning or remove it altogether.
  7. Enter the keyword(s) you want to filter out. You can enter words, phrases, hashtags or emojis.
  8. Click “Save new filter”.
Vivaldi Social open in a Vivaldi browser window. Filtered post warning is hihlighted.

Tip #440

Resize the editor on Vivaldi Social to view what you plan to post all at once.

Some time ago we increased the character limit for posts on Vivaldi Social from the standard 500 to 1337 characters. Reviewing your longer writing can be tricky in a small editor box, though. That’s why on Vivaldi Social, you can increase the height of the editor, to make more of the text visible.

To change the height of the editor:

  1. Place the mouse cursor at the bottom right corner of the text field (just above the character limit).
  2. Click and drag the mouse up or down.

Tip #434

Search for your own posts on Vivaldi Social by preceding the search term with “from:me”.

As an active poster on Vivaldi Social, you might find it hard to locate your old posts as scrolling through all the posts you’ve made and boosted will take a long time. If you remember a word or a phrase you used in the post, you can use Vivaldi Social’s search feature to find that specific post.

To search your own posts:

  1. In the search field type “from:me”.
  2. Follow it with a space and the word or phrase you want to search for.
  3. Press “Enter” to see the results.

You can explore the full list of search operators in Tip #368.

Vivaldi Social with the search field and it's dropdown menu highlighted.

Tip #426

Eliminate language barriers on Vivaldi Social with one click.

Vivaldi Social brings together speakers of many languages. While it’s fascinating to know what people are up to in various parts of the world, it can be challenging if you don’t speak their language.

To translate content:

  1. Find a post on Vivaldi Social you want to translate.
  2. Click on the Translate button below the post.
  3. Click on Show original, to revert to the original text.

The option to translate a post is shown below all posts that are in a different language from your user interface, granted that the post’s author has set the correct language for their post.

Tip #417

Customize Vivaldi Social’s user interface to your liking with a new theme.

At Vivaldi, we provide you with plenty of options to customize your environment according to your preferences. Both in the browser and on our web services. On Vivaldi Social, we offer you 10 different theme variations to choose from.

To change the theme:

  1. Go to Preferences > Appearance > Site theme.
  2. Choose the one you like.
  3. Click “Save changes”
  4. Go back to Vivaldi Social to view the theme.

Tip #410

Filter out text posts and view only shared media on someone’s Vivaldi Social / Mastodon profile.

Whether searching for a specific one or just interested in browsing all the images and videos someone has posted, there’s an easy way to view them in Vivaldi Social – in one place without text posts interfering.

All you need to do is go to the user’s profile and switch to the Media tab.

Tip #401

Re-draft a post on Vivaldi Social if you didn’t get it exactly right the first time.

Did you find a mistake in your Vivaldi Social post after publishing it? If it has already collected likes, boosts, and comments, it’s best to simply edit the post. But if you caught the error immediately after publishing, you can also delete and re-draft the post. That way you can take your time and the post will look fresh and clean after you publish it again.

To redo a post on Vivaldi Social:

  1. Click on the “More” menu button below the post.
  2. Select “Delete and re-draft”.
  3. The post will be moved back to the editor, where you can make the necessary edits.
  4. When ready, click “Publish” again.

Tip #391

Survey your followers with single and multiple-choice polls on Vivaldi Social.

When you’re curious about what your Vivaldi Social followers and other users think about a certain topic, you can create a simple poll to find out.

To create a poll:

  1. In the post editor, enter your question.
  2. On the menu below, click the “Add a poll” button.
  3. Enter up to 4 answer options.
    Click on the circle/square in front of the answer options to switch from single to multiple-choice poll or vice versa.
  4. Decide, how long you want to run the poll (from 5 minutes to 7 days).
  5. Click “Publish” to share the poll.
Poll creation on Vivaldi Social

Tip #386

Report inappropriate content and help us keep Vivaldi Community clean and friendly.

Have you ever come across a post or comment on Vivaldi Social, Forum, or Blogs and thought it doesn’t belong on Vivaldi.net? Whether the content is spam, rude, or in other ways not in line with Vivaldi’s Code of Conduct or Terms of Use, we’d appreciate it if you could let us know about it.

To report posts on Vivaldi Social.

  1. Click on the 3 dot menu button in the bottom right corner of the post.
  2. Select “Report [username]”.
  3. Pick a reason.
  4. Select the offending posts.
  5. Add a comment.
  6. Submit the report.

To Flag posts or users on the Forum:

  1. Click on the 3 dot menu button in the bottom right corner of the post.
  2. Select “Flag this post” or “Flag this user”, if more than one of their posts is inappropriate.
  3. Pick a reason.
  4. If you chose “Other”, add a comment.
  5. Submit the report.

To report a blog:

  1. Below an offending post, click on “Report”.
  2. Pick a reason.
  3. Add a comment.
  4. Submit the report.

Tip #381

Pin the posts you want others to see first to the top of your Vivaldi Social profile.

Whether it’s your post, big news, or just something you want people to see, you can pin the post and it’ll be displayed before all your recent posts just below your bio.

To pin a post on Vivaldi Social:

  1. Publish the post you want to pin or find one from your older posts.
  2. Click on the 3 dot menu below the post.
  3. Select “Pin on profile”.

You can later unpin it from the same menu.

Vivaldi Social post's context menu with the pinning option highlighted.

Tip #374

Never miss a thing by enabling email notifications on Vivaldi Social.

You don’t need to keep checking Vivaldi Social to see whether someone has started following you or mentioned you in one of their posts. By enabling email notifications, you can go about your day as normal and get a message whenever something important related to your account has happened.

To review your email notification settings:

  1. Go to Preferences > Notifications > Events for email notifications.
  2. Tick and untick the boxes for the following notification options:
    • Someone followed you,
    • Someone requested to follow you,
    • Someone boosted your post,
    • Someone favorited your post,
    • Someone mentioned you.

Normally, e-mail notifications won’t be sent when you are actively using Mastodon, but if you wish to receive email notifications regardless of your online status, you can additionally enable “Always send e-mail notifications”.

Notification preferences in Vivaldi Social.

Tip #368

Filter search results on Vivaldi Social using search operators.

When you add a # in front of your search term (without spaces) on Vivaldi Social, it’ll search for posts with that hashtag. When you add an @, it will look for matching usernames. But there are many operators that you can additionally use to filter search results. See the full list below:

  • has:media – Shows posts with attachments (images, audio, video).
  • has:poll – Shows posts with a poll.
  • has:embed – Shows posts with links that display embedded media (for example, YouTube or PeerTube)
  • language:fr using language codes – Shows posts in the specified language.
  • is:reply – Shows posts that are replies to other posts.
  • is:sensitive – Shows posts that are marked as sensitive.
  • from:user – Shows posts from the specified user.
  • from:me – Shows your own posts.
  • in:all – Shows results from posts that are visible to you.
  • in:library – Shows posts you have made and/or interacted with.
  • before:YYYY-MM-DD – Shows posts that were published before the specified date.
  • during:YYYY-MM-DD – Shows posts that were published on the specified date.
  • after:YYYY-MM-DD – Shows posts that were published after the specified date.
Vivaldi Social's Search field with its dropdown menu highlighted on the Explore page.