Tip #501

Create a new note with a screenshot from a web page.

Found something interesting on a webpage that you want to save, but an image would convey the message better than text? With Vivaldi, you can take a screenshot of the web page and automatically create a new note with it.

To save a screen capture as a note:

  1. Click on the Capture page” button on the Status Bar.
  2. Decide whether you want to capture a selection or the full page.
  3. Select “Create Note with…” as the output.
  4. If you chose to save just a section of the web page, select the area.
  5. Click “Capture”.

The captured screenshot will be attached to a new untitled note, which you can view and edit in the Notes Panel or Notes Manager.

Vivaldi browser with the Capture page tool in focus and the output  menu open.

Tip #499

Sort your Bookmarks and Notes in numerous different ways in Vivaldi on iOS.

When you’ve created a lot of Bookmarks and Notes in Vivaldi, finding the right one can take time. Sorting them alphabetically, by creation date, or by some other criteria helps to locate the one you need faster.

To change the sorting order of Bookmarks and Notes:

  1. Open the Bookmarks or Notes Panel.
  2. Tap on the 3-dot menu in the bottom left corner.
  3. Select “Sort Order”.
  4. Tap on the sorting criteria you want to use.

You can sort your bookmarks:

  • Manually
  • By Title
  • By Address
  • By Nickname
  • By Description
  • By Date
  • By Kind, which groups folders to the top/bottom and sorts the rest of the notes using the manual order.

And you can sort your notes:

  • Manually
  • By Title
  • By Date Created
  • By Date Edited
  • By Kind.

In addition, you can choose to sort either in ascending or descending order.

Bookmark sorting menu open in Vivaldi on iOS.

Tip #461

Drag text from a web page to the Notes Panel to create a new note.

Do you like dragging things around instead of going through context menus? There are many things you can do in Vivaldi with drag and drop, one of them is creating notes. You can drag the text from a web page you have open in Vivaldi, but also from other apps you have open on the side.

To create a new note with drag and drop:

  1. Open the Notes Panel.
  2. Highlight the text you want to create the note from.
  3. Drag it to the Notes Panel.
  4. When you see a line in your Theme‘s highlight color, drop it.

If you open one of the notes, you can also drag additional text to it.

Text being dragged to the Notes Panel in Vivaldi to create a new note.

Tip #449

Set Vivaldi’s internal pages as the Homepage or New Tab Page.

Start Page with your Speed Dials isn’t the only option for your Homepage and New Tab Page. You can also set pages of your choice to open when you go to your homepage or open a new tab. It’s common to set a website as one of these pages, but you could also open Bookmarks, Notes, Calendar, and more.

To set an internal page as the Homepage/New Tab Page:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Homepage or Settings > Tabs > New Tab Page.
  2. Select “Specific Page”.
  3. Enter the internal page’s link. For example vivaldi://bookmarks, vivaldi://notes, vivaldi://calendar.

Tip #419

Add additional information to a note by appending text from a web page.

Selecting text on a web page and creating a note from it is an excellent feature in Vivaldi, but what if you want to add new lines from a web page to a note you have made in the past? You could copy the text, find the note in the Notes Panel or Notes Manager, and paste it there, but there’s a better way.

To add text to an existing note:

  1. Select the text on a web page.
  2. Right-click on the selection to open the context menu.
  3. Select “Append to Note”.
  4. Choose the note you want to add the text to.
  5. Click “Add to Note”.

Tip #404

Make your Notes more readable with Markdown formatting.

Markdown is a simple markup language used to create rich text (e.g. HTML) with a plain text editor. It lets you add basic formatting to your text, using symbols known and accessible on all keyboards.

To use Markdown in Vivaldi Notes:

  1. Open the Notes Panel or Notes Manager and select or create a note.
  2. Make sure the Editor/Text view is enabled.
  3. Use the basic Markdown syntax to add headings, lists, bold text, etc.
  4. Switch to Markdown/Visual view to see the outcome.

Tip #252

Keep Notes organized in Vivaldi on Android by grouping them into folders.

Writing down your thoughts or turning snippets of text from web pages into Notes is a great way to save important knowledge for later. Since Notes can be on any topic, grouping related notes into folders helps to keep things organized and easy to find.

To organize notes into folders in Vivaldi on Android:

  1. Open the Notes Panel.
  2. Long-press on the first note you want to include in the new folder.
  3. Tap on other notes you want to add as well.
  4. Tap on the Move button.
  5. Select New Folder.
  6. Give the new folder a name.
  7. Tap on Save.

Take a look at the video to see how to create a new Notes folder on the tablet version of Vivaldi on Android.

Tip #244

Use Quick Commands to export Notes.

Making notes as you browse is easy in Vivaldi with the Notes feature. But did you know that you can export notes as individual text files?

To export your notes:

  1. Create a folder for the notes in your File Manage/Finder.
  2. In Vivaldi, open Quick Commands (F2 / ⌘E).
  3. Type in “Export Notes” and press Enter.
  4. In the save dialog, locate and select the folder.
"Export Notes" being typed in Quick Commands in Vivaldi browser.

Tip #191

Take your notes to the next level by adding image attachments.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, as the saying goes. So, instead of making long notes with just text, add an image to make the message clear.

To add an attachment in Notes:

  1. Open the note either in the Notes Manager or Notes Panel.
  2. In the Notes Manager, click on Attachments > Add Attachment on the notes editor menu. In the Notes Panel, click on the Attachments icon.
  3. Locate the image file in your File Explorer/Finder and click Open to add it.
A note open in Vivaldi's Notes Manager. Attachment menu is highlighted on the right side.

Tip #121

Hold down the ALT key while clicking on a folder to expand or collapse all folders in the folder tree.

In Bookmarks, Notes and Mail you can have content divided into multiple levels of folders, creating a so called folder tree.

To expand or collapse all folders in the folder tree in one go:

  1. Hold down the ALT key on your keyboard.
  2. Click on the / arrow in front of the folder name to expand or collapse the main folder and all its subfolders.

Tip #115

Add content to existing notes on Vivaldi for Android without opening the Notes Panel.

Selecting text on a web page and creating a note from it is an excellent feature in Vivaldi, but what if you want to add new lines from a web page to a note you have made in the past? You could copy the text, find the note in the Notes Panel and paste it there, but there’s a better way to do it on Vivaldi for Android:

  1. Select the text on a web page.
  2. Long press on the selection to open the context menu.
  3. If needed, tap on the 3 dot menu to show additional options and select Append to Note.
  4. Choose the note you want to add the text to.
  5. Tap on Done in the top right corner.

Tip #96

Create new Notes from highlighted text on a web page.

Vivaldi’s Notes is an awesome digital note-taking tool that makes it possible to jot things down right in your browser. You can type up your notes, paste text to notes or quickly create a new note from text on a web page. To make a note of something you’ve found on a web page:

  1. Select the text you want to turn into a new note.
  2. Right-click on the highlighted text and select Copy to Note from the context menu.

In addition to the content, the note will include a screenshot of the page (can be disabled in Panel Settings), source link and creation date.

Tip #73

Save time typing by inserting Notes to text fields.

If there’s text you need to enter somewhere often enough, you might want to save that text as a note and just insert it from the context menu every time you need it. It saves time and prevents accidental typos. Win-win! 😎

To use this trick:

  1. Create the note(s) with the text in the Notes Panel or Notes Manager.
  2. When ready to use, right-click in the text input field to open the context menu.
  3. Select Insert Note and find the note you want to use.
  4. Click on it to insert the note’s text.

Bonus tip!

While the focus is on the text input field, use the Keyboard Shortcut Shift + F10 (on Windows & Linux) to open the context menu. Then use arrow keys or menu item anchor letters to find the correct note. Press Enter to insert the note.