Tip #532

Divide your Speed Dials into groups in Vivaldi on Android and iOS.

Just like on desktop (See Tip #101) the same way on mobile, you can have multiple pages of your favorite bookmarks, Speed Dials, on the Start Page.

To create a new Speed Dial page, aka group:

  1. Swipe left on the Start Page until you see a screen like the one on the image below and tap on the “Add New Group” button.
    Alternatively, tap on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the Start Page and select “New Group” from the menu.
  2. Give the group a name.
  3. Tap “Done”.
  4. Start adding/moving bookmarks to it.

To add an existing bookmark folder to the Start Page:

  1. Open the Bookmarks Panel.
  2. Long-press on the folder you want to add to the Start Page and select “Edit”.
  3. Toggle on “Use as Group”.
  4. Tap “Done”.
Vivaldi on Android with "Add New Group" prompt displayed on the Start Page.

Tip #530

Play around with different layouts for creative ways to arrange your Speed Dials.

When you have a lot of Speed Dials on your Vivaldi browser’s Start Page, you’ll benefit from spreading them out into more columns, so they’ll all fit on the screen. But if you only have a few favorites, you can get more creative with the layout.

To change the number of columns:

  1. Go to Settings > Start Page > Speed Dial or open Quick Settings > Speed Dial Appearance on the Start Page.
  2. From the Maximum Columns drop-down menu, select how many columns of Speed Dials you want. You can have a single column or go in the opposite direction and remove the upper limit altogether.

Theme by abeegeorgina.

Tip #526

Open links in Vivaldi on iOS without interrupting your current browsing session.

Notice something interesting while browsing or remember something you need to get on next, but want to finish checking out the current web page first? Opening links in new background tabs is just what you need.

To open links in the background:

  1. Long-press on a link on a website, a bookmark / Speed Dial, a Reading List item, or a History entry.
  2. From the context menu select “Open in New Background Tab”
Bookmark context menu highlighting the option to open it in a new background tab in Vivaldi on iOS.

Tip #524

Give your Bookmarks on mobile nicknames to open them faster.

In Vivaldi on Android and Vivaldi on iOS, instead of scrolling through folders in the Bookmarks Panel, opening a new tab to get to the Speed Dial, or trying to remember the bookmarked page’s link, you can give your Bookmarks memorable nicknames and type them in the Address Bar to quickly open the web page.

To give a bookmark a nickname:

  1. Open the Side Panel.
  2. Switch to Bookmarks Panel, if it’s not already open.
  3. Open the folder containing the bookmark you want to give a nickname.
  4. Long press the bookmark.
  5. Choose edit (pen icon).
  6. Add a nickname and save.

Bookmark Nicknames are synced, so you only need to do it once to use the same nickname on all platforms.

To learn how to add Bookmark Nicknames on desktop, check out Tip #28.

An arrow pointing at the Bookmark Nickname in Vivaldi on Android's Address Bar drop-down menu.

Tip #499

Sort your Bookmarks and Notes in numerous different ways in Vivaldi on iOS.

When you’ve created a lot of Bookmarks and Notes in Vivaldi, finding the right one can take time. Sorting them alphabetically, by creation date, or by some other criteria helps to locate the one you need faster.

To change the sorting order of Bookmarks and Notes:

  1. Open the Bookmarks or Notes Panel.
  2. Tap on the 3-dot menu in the bottom left corner.
  3. Select “Sort Order”.
  4. Tap on the sorting criteria you want to use.

You can sort your bookmarks:

  • Manually
  • By Title
  • By Address
  • By Nickname
  • By Description
  • By Date
  • By Kind, which groups folders to the top/bottom and sorts the rest of the notes using the manual order.

And you can sort your notes:

  • Manually
  • By Title
  • By Date Created
  • By Date Edited
  • By Kind.

In addition, you can choose to sort either in ascending or descending order.

Bookmark sorting menu open in Vivaldi on iOS.

Tip #475

Add web pages to your Speed Dial for easy access in Vivaldi on Android.

It’s common to add regularly visited sites to one’s Bookmarks, but scouring through the folders in the Bookmarks Panel is tedious. To open your favorite sites with the minimum effort, add them to the Speed Dial. Then, whenever you open a new tab in Vivaldi on Android, they’ll be just one tap away.

To add a website as a Speed Dial bookmark on the Start Page:

  1. Open the web page in a tab.
  2. Open the Vivaldi menu and select “Add Bookmark”.
  3. Tap on “Edit” in the confirmation banner that appears at the bottom of the browser window.
  4. For the bookmark location select a Speed Dial folder.
  5. Finish by tapping on “Done” in the top right corner.
Speed Dial in Vivaldi on Android.

Tip #468

Bookmark interesting posts on Vivaldi Social.

When you’ve come across a great post and want all your followers to see it too, you can boost the post. When you just want to let the author know that you liked their post, you can favorite it. Both boosted and favorited content can later be found among your posts and favorites.

But what if you don’t want to publicly interact with the post or want make an extra record of a boosted/favorited post? In that case you have the option to bookmark it. To bookmark a post on Vivaldi Social, simply click on the “Bookmark” button below the interesting post.

A post open on Vivaldi Social with the bookmark button highlighted.

Tip #458

Drag one Speed Dial bookmark over another to create a new folder.

If you’ve accumulated too many bookmarks on your Speed Dial and want to group them into folders, all you need to do is drag one of the bookmarks, and when the background of the bottom bookmark changes color release the mouse button.

Once the new folder has been created, right-click on the folder to rename it and, if you wish, add a custom thumbnail (see Tip #69).

One Speed Dial bookmark being dragged over another.

Tip #457

Select the Bookmarks folder you want to display on the Bookmark Bar.

There are many ways you can access and manage your bookmarks in Vivaldi. Bookmark Bar is probably one of the more classic options. See below to find out how you can choose which folder of bookmarks and bookmark sub-folders will be displayed there.

To select a Bookmark Bar folder:

Option 1

  1. Go to Settings > Bookmarks > Bookmark Bar Folder.
  2. Select your preferred folder from the drop-down menu.

Option 2

  1. Open the Bookmark Panel or Bookmark Manager.
  2. Select the folder the contents of which you want to display on the Bookmark Bar.
  3. In the folder information section, tick the box for “Bookmark Bar”.

Tip #449

Set Vivaldi’s internal pages as the Homepage or New Tab Page.

Start Page with your Speed Dials isn’t the only option for your Homepage and New Tab Page. You can also set pages of your choice to open when you go to your homepage or open a new tab. It’s common to set a website as one of these pages, but you could also open Bookmarks, Notes, Calendar, and more.

To set an internal page as the Homepage/New Tab Page:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Homepage or Settings > Tabs > New Tab Page.
  2. Select “Specific Page”.
  3. Enter the internal page’s link. For example vivaldi://bookmarks, vivaldi://notes, vivaldi://calendar.

Tip #383

Choose from 4 Speed Dial layout options for Vivaldi on iOS.

Speed Dials are Bookmarks that are displayed on your browser’s Start Page. In Vivaldi, you can choose how they’re displayed.

To change the look in Vivaldi on iOS:

  1. Go to  Vivaldi menu > Settings > Start Page Layout.
  2. Select your preferred layout:
    • Large Speed Dials,
    • Medium Speed Dials
    • Small Speed Dials,
    • Speed Dial list.

Got an Android device? Check Tip #157.

Tip #362

Edit a new bookmark in the bookmark dialog right after adding it.

There are over 10 different ways you can add new Bookmarks in Vivaldi (see them all in Tip #137). If you’re in the habit of editing bookmarks’ titles, descriptions, nicknames, and/or folders they’re in, you can open the bookmark dialog to do so. For example, if you added a bookmark from the button on the Address Bar, click it again to open the dialog, or use the bookmarking Keyboard Shortcut a second time.

In case you edit the bookmark right after adding it more often than not, you can make Vivaldi open the dialog as you’re adding the new bookmark. To do that:

  1. Go to Settings > Bookmarks.
  2. Enable “Always Open Bookmark Dialog”.
Vivaldi browser with a bookmark dialog open and highlighted.

Tip #345

Move the Bookmark Bar to the bottom of the window together with the Address and Tab Bar.

Do you prefer to have your important toolbars on the lower side of the browser window? Vivaldi’s flexible customization options allow you to move the toolbars, including the Bookmark Bar, to many different locations.

To move the Bookmark Bar to the bottom:

  1. Go to Settings > Bookmarks > Bookmark Bar > Bookmark Bar Position.
  2. Select “Bottom”.

You can also move the Address and Tab Bars to the bottom of the window from Settings > Address Bar and Settings > Tabs, respectively.

Vivaldi Browser with Bookmark, Address and Tab bars at the bottom.

Tip #344

Import bookmarks, passwords, and more from your old browser to Vivaldi.

In case you weren’t ready to import your browser data from your previous browser during your first use of Vivaldi, you can do it anytime by following the instructions below.

To import data to Vivaldi:

  1. Open the Vivaldi menu > File > Import from Applications or Files.
  2. Select the browser (and its profile) you want to import data from.
  3. Select the data (bookmarks, passwords, history, etc.) you want to import.
  4. Click “Start Import”.
Import dialog open in Vivaldi Browser.