Tip #400

Move tabs automatically to the correct Workspace with Workspaces Rules.

Workspaces are a way to organize your tabs where you can keep different tabs in different Workspaces, based on a topic or category. You might, for example, have a workspace for work, another for sports, and a third for travel.

To set up Workspace Rules:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Workspaces.
  2. Click on Add New Workspace Rule.
  3. Set up the rule criteria.
  4. Select which workspace the tab should be moved to.

Tip #398

Open Tabs from the Window Panel with a single click instead of a double click.

By default, to switch tabs using the Window Panel, you need to double click on an entry to activate it. If you’d like to switch tabs with only one click, like on the Tab Bar, you’ll need to enable a setting for it.

To enable single click tab switching in the Window Panel:

  1. Go to Settings > Panels > Window Panel.
  2. Enable “Activate with Single Click.

Tip #396

In Vivaldi on iOS, swipe down from the top of the web page to reload or close the tab, or to open a new tab.

You can find the options to open a new tab and reload the active tab from the main menu of Vivaldi on iOS, and you can close tabs from the Tab Bar or the Tab Switcher, but when you’re at the top of the page, you can also use swipe gestures to do the same.

To reload the tab:

  1. Start swiping down from the top of the open web page.
  2. Release your finger to reload the tab.

To open a new tab:

  1. First, swipe down and then, without lifting the finger, swipe a little to the left.
  2. When the New Tab option is highlighted, release your finger.

To close the tab:

  1. First, swipe down and then, without lifting the finger, swipe a little to the right.
  2. When the Close Tab option is highlighted, release your finger.

Tip #390

Mute background tabs automatically by prioritizing audio in the active tab.

Imagine that you have some background music playing in one browser tab, but you come across a video (or some other media with audio) in another tab that you want to watch and listen to. So you go to mute or pause your music and only then start watching the video. And after you’re finished you need to go back to unmute or unpause the music. Annoying isn’t it? Vivaldi has a better solution to offer.

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Tab Features > Mute Tab Audio.
  2. Enable “Prioritize Active Tab”.

That way you can just start playing the video in the active tab and Vivaldi will automatically mute the audio coming from other tabs. Once you’re done watching the video, the audio from other tabs will be unmuted. Sweet! 😎

Tab Audio settings in Vivaldi.

Tip #385

Decide which tab should be opened after closing another tab.

Have you ever considered having a preference for which tab to focus on next when you close a tab you no longer need? With Vivaldi you can do just that. In addition to prioritizing related tabs, you can choose to open tabs you had focused on before the closed tab or open the tab that was on the left/right side of the closed tab.

To make your choice:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Close Tab Activation.
  2. Choose in which order tabs should be activated after closing another tab:
    • In recently used order,
    • Left in the Tab order,
    • Right in Tab order.
Tab Settings window with "Close Tab Activation" setting highlighted.

Tip #363

View 2 websites side by side in Vivaldi on Android.

Tiling tabs is very popular on the desktop version of Vivaldi, but did you know you can tile 2 web pages on Vivaldi on Android as well?

To view 2 sites side by side:

  1. Open a new Vivaldi window following the instructions in Tip #180.
  2. Open your Android device’s app switcher.
  3. Long press on the logo of one of the Vivaldi windows.
  4. Select “Open in split screen view” from the menu that opens.
  5. Select the other Vivaldi window to display it on the other half of the screen.

You can even resize the tiles by moving the line dividing the two windows.

Vivaldi on Android with 2 Vivaldi windows tiled.

Tip #352

Take the odd one out by removing a single tab from a Tab Stack.

Grouping tabs into Tab Stacks is a great way to keep your tabs neat and organized. But what to do with a tab that has ended up in the wrong stack? Use one of the following ways to remove a single tab from a Tab Stack:

  • Right-click on the tab and select “Remove from Tab Stack” from the context menu.
  • Drag the tab off the Tab Bar and move it back as a top-level tab.
  • Drag the tab out of the stack in the Windows Panel.
  • While you have the tab open, open Quick Commands and type in “Remove from Tab Stack”.
  • If it’s a frequent occurrence, create a Keyboard Shortcut or a Mouse Gesture for the action.
Stacked tab's context menu open with the remove option highlighted.

Tip #349

Automatically close old tabs in Vivaldi on Android after a set time.

You know you have a lot of open tabs in Vivaldi on Android, when instead of a number on the Tab Switcher button you see :D. To keep the number of open tabs manageable, you can set Vivaldi to prompt you to close tabs that you haven’t visited in a while.

To set a time after which you’ll get prompted to close old tabs:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Automatically Close Tabs.
  2. Select when Vivaldi should close inactive tabs.
Vivaldi on Android settings for closing inactive tabs.

Tip #340

Set an Extension as the New Tab Page in your Vivaldi browser.

When you open a new tab in Vivaldi, you have various options for what’s displayed in the new tab before you navigate to a web page. You can choose between the Start Page, Home Page, Blank Page, or a web page of your choice. But there’s one more option – a New Tab Page Extension.

To set an extension for the new tab:

  1. Install an extension of your choice from Chrome Web Store.
  2. Go to Settings > Tabs > New Tab Page.
  3. Make sure Start Page is chosen and then enable “Controlled by Extension”.
Momentum extension set as the New Tab Page.

Tip #333

Create your own social media dashboard with tiled tabs.

Posts feed, direct messages, notifications, trending content – most social media sites offer them all and more. Some have their own (paid) dashboards for simultaneous viewing of these pages, like X’s (formerly Twitter) X Pro (formerly TweetDeck), or Mastodon’s advanced web interface. But you can also create a custom dashboard with Vivaldi’s tab tiling feature of any site you frequent.

To create a social media dashboard:

  1. Open each page in a separate tab.
  2. Select all tabs.
  3. Right-click on one of them and select “Tile # Tabs”.
  4. If you wish, change the layout of the tiled tabs.

Bonus tips!

Vivaldi Browser with X open in multiple tiled tabs.

Tip #332

Click and drag the edge of the Tab Bar to resize it.

Moving the Tab Bar to the side of the window (see Tip #204 for instructions) is a good way to gain some vertical space for the websites you have open. But your options don’t stop there. On the side of the window, you also have the option to set the width of the Tab Bar.

To resize the Tab Bar:

  1. Hover the mouse cursor over the edge of the Tab Bar.
  2. Click and drag the mouse left or right.
  3. When you’re happy with the size, release the mouse button.

You can make the Tab Bar wider if you wish to read more of the tab titles or make it only wide enough to fit the website’s favicon.

Tip #326

Create a new window by dragging a tab off the Tab Bar.

There are many ways you can open new windows and move tabs to them in Vivaldi, but a simple drag-and-drop is probably the fastest way to do it.

To create a new window with a tab of your choice:

  1. Click on the tab you want to move and hold down the mouse button.
  2. Drag the tab off the Tab Bar, either outside the window or onto the web page area.
  3. Release the mouse button.

If you want to create a new window with multiple tabs at once, use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple tabs and then drag them off the Tab Bar.

Tip #318

Drag a tab out of the wrong Tab Stack in Vivaldi on Android.

As you were browsing, did a tab accidentally end up in a Tab Stack where it doesn’t belong? There’s an easy fix for that.

To remove a tab from a Tab Stack:

  1. In the Tab Switcher, open the Tab Stack.
  2. Long press on the tab you want to remove from the group.
  3. Drag it toward the bottom of the screen.
  4. Release your finger, when the tab is hovering over “Remove from group”.
Tab being removed from a Tab Stack in Vivaldi on Android.

Tip #317

Switch to a tab in a different Workspace swiftly with Quick Commands.

Workspaces are an excellent way to divide tabs into groups to focus on one topic at a time. There are several ways to open a different workspace and one of the tabs in it, such as via the Tab Bar or Window Panel. But another quick way of switching to a specific tab in a different workspace is using Quick Commands.

To switch tabs using Quick Commands:

  1. Open Quick Commands (F2 / ⌘ E).
  2. Start typing the web page’s name or URL.
  3. Select the tab you want to switch to.
Quick Commands open in Vivaldi Browser. Search results