Tip #611

View completed tasks in the Tasks Panel with one click.

There’s no better feeling than marking a task complete and seeing it disappear from view. To revel in that nice feeling some more, you can bring all completed tasks back into view and admire all you’ve accomplished. Or, in the unfortunate event, mark a task as incomplete again.

To view completed tasks:

  1. Open the Tasks Panel.
  2. At the bottom of the panel, click on “Show Completed Tasks”.
Vivaldi's Task Panel with some open tasks and many completed tasks. An arrow is pointing at the checkbox to toggle the visibility of completed tasks.

Tip #610

Reopen closed Web Panels instead of adding them again.

Adding new Web Panels is pretty straightforward in Vivaldi, but when it’s a Web Panel you’ve already had on your browser’s sidebar, it’s even easier to restore it.

To reopen a Web Panel:

  1. Right-click on one of the Panel buttons.
  2. Select “Closed Web Panels”.
  3. Click on the closed Web Panel you want to add back to the sidebar.
Panels' context menu listing closed Web Panels. 
Vivaldi browser's Start Page is open in the background.

Tip #606

Sort your browsing history by page title, address or view count, in addition to chronologically.

You don’t need to go through your browsing history in chronological order to find a visited web page, though, admittedly it’s easier to find the page when you start seeing other pages you visited around the same time.

To sort history in the History Panel:

  1. Open the History Panel.
  2. Above the list of entries, click on “Sort by Date”.
  3. Select between:
    • Sort by Title
    • Sort by Address
    • Sort by Page Views.
  4. Optionally, switch sorting from ascending to descending or vice versa.

To sort history in the History Manager:

  1. Open the History Manager.
  2. Click on the column header you want to sort by.
  3. Click again to reverse the order.
History Panel in Vivaldi browser. An arrow is pointing at the open sorting menu in the panel.

Tip #590

Open bookmarks from the Bookmark Panel with a single click.

Having to do a double click instead of a single click doesn’t seem like a big deal, but you’d be surprised how even the most minuscule differences can affect your workflow.

To enable bookmark opening with a single click:

  1. Go to Settings > Bookmarks.
  2. Tick the box for “Open Bookmark Panel Items with Single Click”.

And how about combining it with the “Open Bookmarks in New Tab” setting, which you’ll find right above “Open Bookmark Panel Items with Single Click”?

Bookmark Settings in Vivaldi.
Arrow is pointing at the "Open Bookmark Panel Item with Single Click" setting.

Tip #564

Grab a recently downloaded file and drag-and-drop it where it needs to go.

In the Vivaldi Browser, you can drag files directly from the Downloads Panel or the Downloads Popup to your desktop, a folder, or even into an email or upload section on a web page.

To drag-and-drop files from Downloads:

  1. Open the Downloads Panel or Popup.
  2. Locate the file you want to use.
  3. Click and drag the file to where you need it.
  4. Release the mouse button to drop the file.

The next tip will be published on the 30th of September.

Downloads panel in Vivaldi browser. A file is being dragged out of the panel.

Tip #558

Vivaldi’s Web Panels aren’t limited to just the mobile view. Learn how to get the desktop version.

Web Panels show you the mobile view of a web page. Some websites show pages on mobile much differently than on desktop or don’t even let you use some of the site’s functionality. Don’t let this stop you! Simply click on the “Switch to Desktop/Mobile View” button at the top of the panel and get to the content you’re after.

If things are a bit tight with the desktop view, check out Tip #15 and learn how to make the web panel wider without changing the size of the other Panels.

Vivaldi Browser with WhatsApp added as a Web Panel. An arrow is pointing at the button where desktop and mobile views can be switched.

Tip #499

Sort your Bookmarks and Notes in numerous different ways in Vivaldi on iOS.

When you’ve created a lot of Bookmarks and Notes in Vivaldi, finding the right one can take time. Sorting them alphabetically, by creation date, or by some other criteria helps to locate the one you need faster.

To change the sorting order of Bookmarks and Notes:

  1. Open the Bookmarks or Notes Panel.
  2. Tap on the 3-dot menu in the bottom left corner.
  3. Select “Sort Order”.
  4. Tap on the sorting criteria you want to use.

You can sort your bookmarks:

  • Manually
  • By Title
  • By Address
  • By Nickname
  • By Description
  • By Date
  • By Kind, which groups folders to the top/bottom and sorts the rest of the notes using the manual order.

And you can sort your notes:

  • Manually
  • By Title
  • By Date Created
  • By Date Edited
  • By Kind.

In addition, you can choose to sort either in ascending or descending order.

Bookmark sorting menu open in Vivaldi on iOS.

Tip #462

Mark all messages in a folder as read right in the Mail Panel.

You can open the mail folder, mark each message as read individually, or mark multiple messages as read by selecting some using the Shift or Ctrl key + click, or by selecting them all with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A. But you can also mark all messages as read from the Mail Panel without even opening the folder.

To mark a folder full of messages read:

  1. Open the Mail Panel.
  2. Right-click on a folder to open the context menu.
  3. Select “Mark All as Read”.
Mail Panel open in Vivaldi browser. The right-click context menu is open for marking all messages as read.

Tip #454

Give Saved Sessions unique and easily recognizable names.

Saving tabs as a Session is a great way to save a selection of tabs for easy access at a later date. While you don’t need them, you can close the tabs to declutter your browser and free up some resources.

To rename a Session:

  1. Open the Sessions Panel.
  2. Right-click on the session you want to rename and select “Rename” from the context menu.
  3. Type in the new name and press Enter.
Sessions Panel in Vivaldi browser. Context menu with the Rename option open.

Tip #431

Look up recent translations in the Translate Panel.

Whenever you translate selected text from a web page or something you’ve entered in the Translate Panel, the original text and the translation are saved in the Translate Panel.

To view Translate History:

  1. Open the Translate Panel.
  2. At the bottom of the panel, click on “Show Translate History”.
  3. Double-click on the entry you’d like to view.
Translate History open in the panel with a corner of the Start Page visible on the right side.

Tip #416

Use the Keyboard Shortcut F4 to toggle the visibility of the Panels sidebar on and off.

Vivaldi’s Panels are one of the most useful features in Vivaldi. But if you’re a fan of a minimalistic user interface, you might find yourself having to choose between a super clean look and easy access to the Panels.

With Keyboard Shortcuts, you can have the best of both worlds. By pressing F4 on your keyboard, you can display the Panels sidebar and when you’re done, use the same shortcut to hide it again. You don’t even need to close the Panel you were last looking at.

But as it’s Vivaldi, there are a few other options you can choose from to toggle the sidebar on and off.

Tip #412

Selectively open Tabs from Saved Sessions.

Saving all your tabs as a session is a great way to return to what you were doing at a later date. But what if you need just one or a few of the tabs in the session and don’t want to restore all of them? Check out the instructions below.

To selectively open Tabs from a Saved Session:

  1. Open the Sessions Panel.
  2. Select the session that has the tab(s) you want to open.
  3. Click on “Edit Session” in the top right corner of the panel or right-click on the session and select “Edit / View Contents”.
  4. Select the tab(s) you want to open and right-click on it/them.
  5. Select “Open” or “Open Link”, followed by the opening location (e.g. New Background Tab), to open just the chosen one(s).

Tip #398

Open Tabs from the Window Panel with a single click instead of a double click.

By default, to switch tabs using the Window Panel, you need to double click on an entry to activate it. If you’d like to switch tabs with only one click, like on the Tab Bar, you’ll need to enable a setting for it.

To enable single click tab switching in the Window Panel:

  1. Go to Settings > Panels > Window Panel.
  2. Enable “Activate with Single Click.

Tip #382

Left or right? Choose a side for your Panels.

With Vivaldi’s highly customizable user interface, you can move toolbars around as you like. The Panels Toolbar, hosting your Bookmarks, Downloads, Notes, Web Panels and more can be located either on the left or right side of the browser window. Especially when you prefer vertical Tabs (see Tip #204), you need to think about whether you want to have Tabs and Panels on either side of the window or both on the same side.

To move Panels:

  1. Go to Settings > Panels > Panel Position.
  2. Choose either Left or Right.
Two Vivaldi browser windows, showing Panels on opposite sides of the window.