Tip #567

Turn to Vivaldi Help on your iPhone and iPad to learn about the browser.

You might be wondering about a feature in Vivaldi on your Apple device, trying to figure out how to configure the app to your liking, or, in the unfortunate event, trying to troubleshoot an issue. Vivaldi Help, with its growing selection of articles, is here to help.

To quickly open Vivaldi Help, use one of the following methods:

  • Open the main  Vivaldi menu, scroll to the end, and select Help.
  • Open the bookmarked link from the Bookmarks Panel.
  • Type “help.vivaldi.com/ios” in the Address Field.

Check out Tip #2 to see how to best get to Vivaldi Help on desktop and Tip #297 for Android.

Vivaldi Help website open on an iPhone.

Tip #566

Hide posts from all users on a specific Mastodon instance.

When you notice that users on a particular Mastodon instance are posting content you don’t want to see or engage with, instead of muting or blocking users one by one, you can mute the whole instance.

To mute an entire Mastodon instance:

  1. Open the profile of one of the users on the instance.
  2. Click on the Menu button
  3. Select “Block domain [domain name]”.
  4. Confirm your decision by clicking “Block entire domain”.

Please note that this option hides the posts from you and removes followers from the instance, but users on the blocked instance, will still be able to see your posts.

Tip #565

Install Vivaldi on Linux as a Snap package.

Vivaldi on Linux is available as rpm, deb, and ARM versions, and we’re continuing to actively investigate and experiment with Flatpak.

In addition, you can install Vivaldi as a Snap package, which makes it easier to install and update Vivaldi without worrying about your distro’s specifics. Click the button below or copy the following link https://snapcraft.io/vivaldi to download Vivaldi.

Download on Snapcraft

Learn more about Vivaldi for Snap on our Help page.

Vivaldi browser window with a "Download from the Snap store" button in the foreground.

Tip #564

Grab a recently downloaded file and drag-and-drop it where it needs to go.

In the Vivaldi Browser, you can drag files directly from the Downloads Panel or the Downloads Popup to your desktop, a folder, or even into an email or upload section on a web page.

To drag-and-drop files from Downloads:

  1. Open the Downloads Panel or Popup.
  2. Locate the file you want to use.
  3. Click and drag the file to where you need it.
  4. Release the mouse button to drop the file.

The next tip will be published on the 30th of September.

Downloads panel in Vivaldi browser. A file is being dragged out of the panel.

Tip #563

Hide the Tab Bar to make more space for web content.

The desktop-like Tab Bar in mobile versions of Vivaldi makes switching tabs very convenient, but what if you need a bit more space to view websites? Luckily there are a few other ways you can switch tabs.

First, to hide the Tab Bar:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs.
  2. Toggle off “Show Tab Bar”.

To switch tabs:

  • Open the Tab Switcher from the bottom right corner and select the tab you want to open next.
  • Swipe left and right on the Address Bar or bottom toolbar to open adjacent tabs.
Tabs settings in Vivaldi on Android. Arrow pointing at "Show Tab Bar" setting.

Tip #562

Switch between Reply and Reply All as you’re drafting the email message.

When you’re writing a reply email, do you sometimes reassess and decide that instead of replying to just the sender you should send the email to all recipients or vice versa? Luckily, in Vivaldi Mail, you don’t need to discard the draft and start again.

To switch between Reply and Reply All:

  1. Look to the “To” field in the email composer.
  2. Open the dropdown menu in front of the email address(es).
  3. Select Reply or Reply All/Reply List.
Vivaldi Mail's with an email draft open in the composer. An arrow is pointing at the dropdown menu where you can switch between Reply and Reply All.

Tip #561

Add hashtags to your Vivaldi Social posts to reach wider audiences.

In Tip #485 we suggested following hashtags to fill your timeline with content on topics that interest you. To make your own posts equally discoverable, make sure to include relevant hashtags within the post’s text or add them on a separate line at the end of the post.

To add a hashtag, type the # symbol followed by the word (without a space between), for example, . You can also use multiple words in a hashtag. In that case, write all the words together without spaces and make sure each word starts with a capital letter, for example, . Capitalizing makes multi-word hashtags easier to read.

A post including 3 hashtags being drafted on Vivaldi Social.

Tip #560

Change the active tab’s location on the Tab Bar with Keyboard Shortcuts.

If the order of tabs on the Tab Bar is important to you, then you might be familiar with dragging tabs to reorder them. But did you know that you can also use Keyboard Shortcuts to do it?

To move the active tab:

  • Backward, i.e. to the left or up use Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Page ↑.
  • Forward, i.e to the right or down use Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Page ↓.

You can also type “Move Active Tab Backward/Forward” in Quick Commands.

Tip #559

Create a shortcut for toggling dark mode for web pages on and off.

Through Settings > Appearance > Website Appearance, you can choose to display all websites in dark mode all the time. Even if a website hasn’t provided a dark option for their website, you can have Vivaldi create it for them by forcing dark mode to be used. But occasionally even dark mode lovers need to turn on the lights temporarily. That’s where shortcuts come in handy.

To toggle dark mode on and off with shortcuts:

Quick Commands

  1. Open Quick Commands.
  2. Type “Toggle Force a dark mode on all websites’.
  3. Press “Enter”.

For the following you first need to create the shortcut.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Go to Settings > Keyboard > View.
  2. Find “Toggle Force a dark mode on all websites’.
  3. Focus on the input field next to it and press the key combination you want to use as the shortcut.

Mouse Gestures

  1. Go to Settings > Mouse > Gesture Mapping.
  2. Click on “New Gesture: and find “Toggle Force a dark mode on all websites”.
  3. Click “Next”.
  4. While holding down the left mouse buttton, draw the gesture in the red box.
  5. Click “Save Gesture”

Toolbar button

  1. Go to Settings > Quick Commands > Command Chains.
  2. Click on “Add Command Chain”.
  3. Give the chain a name.
  4. For Command 1 select “Toggle Force a dark mode on all websites”.
  5. Go to Vivaldi menu > View > Customize Toolbar.
  6. Select Command Chains from the dropdown menu.
  7. Drag the new chain to a toolbar of your choice.

Context menu

  1. Go to Settings > Appearance > Menu.
  2. Select the menu you want to add the command to. For example Web Page > Page.
  3. From the Commands menu, search for “Toggle Force a dark mode on all websites”.
  4. Drag it to the Content column on the right.

Use the newly created shortcuts whenever you want to switch between light and dark mode.

Tip #558

Vivaldi’s Web Panels aren’t limited to just the mobile view. Learn how to get the desktop version.

Web Panels show you the mobile view of a web page. Some websites show pages on mobile much differently than on desktop or don’t even let you use some of the site’s functionality. Don’t let this stop you! Simply click on the “Switch to Desktop/Mobile View” button at the top of the panel and get to the content you’re after.

If things are a bit tight with the desktop view, check out Tip #15 and learn how to make the web panel wider without changing the size of the other Panels.

Vivaldi Browser with WhatsApp added as a Web Panel. An arrow is pointing at the button where desktop and mobile views can be switched.

Tip #557

Always know where you are by enabling full address display in Vivaldi on iOS.

By default, the Address Field only displays the domain you’re on (e.g. vivaldi.com) and you have to tap on the Address Field to see the full URL (e.g. https://vivaldi.com/blog/ios).

To see the full URL at all times:

  1. Go to Vivaldi menu button Vivaldi menu > Settings > Address Bar.
  2. Toggle on Show Full Address.
Two phones. One showing Address Bar settings page, the other a web page with the full URL visible in the Address Field.

Tip #556

Last tab closed – keep the window or say goodbye? You decide!

Vivaldi on desktop allows you to choose what happens when you close the last tab. If you often close all tabs to start fresh, you might want to keep the window open. If tend to close all tabs when you’re done browsing (at least in the current window), then closing the window as you close the last tab might suit you better.

To update the settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Tab Handling.
  2. Toggle “Keep Window Open when Last Tab is Closed” on or off as you like.
Vivaldi Browser's tab settings. Arrow pointing at the option called "Keep Window Open when Last Tab is Closed".

Tip #555

Create new occurrences of the same event with copy and paste in Vivaldi Calendar.

Had a ton of fun with your friends recently and you’re planning to repeat the get-together? Awesome! When using the Vivaldi Calendar, it’s easy to duplicate events with all their details.

To make a copy of an event:

Option 1

  1. Right-click on the event and select “Copy”.
  2. Right-click on the date the event will take place on again and select “Paste”.

Option 2

  1. Select the event by navigating to it with your keyboard’s arrow keys.
  2. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/⌘ + C.
  3. Move to the date the event will take place on again.
  4. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/⌘ + V.

Tip #554

Save web pages for later by adding them to the Reading List in Vivaldi on iOS.

Vivaldi’s Reading List feature lets you save web pages with, for example, interesting articles in a list you can access from Vivaldi on all your devices with the help of Sync. Using the Reading List prevents endless tabs from accumulating on your Tab Bar and Bookmarks from being filled with entries you only need once.

To add the active tab to the Reading List.

  1. Open the  Vivaldi menu.
  2. Tap on “Add to Reading List”.

To add a link on a web page to the Reading List:

  1. Long press on the link to open the context menu.
  2. Select “Add to Reading List”.

You can open and manage pages in the Reading list from the  Vivaldi menu > Reading List.

Vivaldi on iOS with the app's main menu open. An arrow points to "Add to Reading List".