Tip #210

Type “:” and the emoji name to add emojis to your posts on Vivaldi Social and the Forum.

Emojis help to convey the emotion behind your written message 😂, make the message more noticeable ⚠️ and just more fun 🤸. There are multiple ways to add emojis on Vivaldi Social and the Forum. For example, you can use the emoji picker (look for a smiley face button in the post composer) or your OS’ emoji keyboard (Win + . / ⌃ ⌘ Space). But there’s also a third option.

In the post composer, if you type a colon symbol “:” and continue typing a keyword, you’ll get suggestions that match that keyword. For example, if you type :thumbs, you’ll get suggestions for :thumbs_up: 👍 and :thumbs_down: 👎 emojis. Finish typing the name and end it with another colon or use the down arrow and Enter keys, to select and insert the emoji to your post.

The emoji names can vary per site. If just typing a keyword doesn’t come up with the emoji you’re looking for, you can find out the name by opening the emoji picker, finding the emoji and hovering over it. The name will be shown as a tooltip and next time you need the emoji, you’ll be able to just type it.

Vivaldi Forum with the post composer open with two emojis already entered and a third one being added.

Tip #185

Bookmark posts on Vivaldi Forum to find them easily later.

Whether you’ve come across instructions for something, an interesting argument, feature request you want to keep an eye on or something else, you can bookmark the post on the Vivaldi Forum. Then, when you need it, you can just go to your bookmarks to revisit the post, instead of searching through thousands of posts.

To bookmark a forum post:

  1. Make sure you’re logged in to your Vivaldi account.
  2. Below the post you want to bookmark, on the right side, click on the menu button.
  3. Select Bookmark.

The number next to the menu option lets you know, how many others have already bookmarked the same post.

A topic on the Vivaldi Forum open in the Vivaldi Browser. Post menu with the bookmark option is open and highlighted.

To view your bookmarks:

  1. Go to your Forum profile.
  2. On the bottom edge of your profile’s cover image, on the right, click on the menu button in a blue circle.
  3. Select Bookmarks.

Alternatively, go to https://forum.vivaldi.net/me/bookmarks.

Tip #179

Light or dark? Choose the theme you prefer on the Vivaldi Forum.

Whether dark mode is easier on your eyes or you just enjoy the aesthetic, you now have the option to switch between light and dark themes also on the Vivaldi Forum.

To switch themes on the Forum:

  1. Click on your avatar in the top right corner and select Settings from the menu.
  2. In Select a Skin section, select your preferred Theme – Default (light) or Dark.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.

Tip #176

Check the status and availability of Vivaldi’s online services on vivaldistatus.com.

Whether we’re doing scheduled maintenance or servers are acting up despite all the love we give them, there’s always a chance that Vivaldi’s online services will be temporarily unavailable. With scheduled maintenance we notify our users ahead of time via email* and notifications on the website, so downtime wouldn’t come as a surprise. With unexpected outages our system administrators do their best to get things back up again as fast as possible.

If you’re having trouble accessing and using Vivaldi services, it’s good to check our status page on https://vivaldistatus.com, to confirm whether the services are operational or there’s something going on.

*Make sure you’re subscribed to Technical Updates on your account’s profile on Vivaldi.net.

Tip #146

Follow people on Vivaldi Forum to be notified when they create a new topic.

Vivaldi Forum has many active members, who write interesting and useful posts. To keep track of the topics they create:

  1. Go to the user’s forum profile.
  2. On the bottom right of the user’s profile image, click on Follow.

You can see all users you follow on https://forum.vivaldi.net/me/following and you can check who follow you on https://forum.vivaldi.net/me/followers.

Vivaldi team member Ruari's forum profile open in Vivaldi browser. His profile image with the follow button has been zoomed in on.

Tip #110

Choose which Forum categories you want to see in Unread and Recent.

The Vivaldi Forum is a busy place with discussions on lots of different topics. Not all of them may be relevant for you. For example, you’re probably not interested in topics in the local forum categories that have discussions in languages you don’t speak. If you wish, you can prevent topics from these categories from appearing in Recent and Unread pages of the Forum.

To unsubscribe (or re-subscribe) to a category:

  1. Navigate to the category on forum.vivaldi.net.
  2. From the menu above the list of topics (below subcategories, if there are any), click on the watched state menu.
  3. Select between:
    • Watching – shows topics both in Unread and Recent.
    • Not Watching – shows topics in Recent, but not in Unread.
    • Ignoring – doesn’t show topics neither in Unread nor Recent.

Unsubscribing from a category, unsubscribes you from all of its subcategories as well.

To get a complete overview of all topics and their watched states, go to https://forum.vivaldi.net/me/categories. There you can change the watched status for each category as well.

Vivaldi Forum's Watched Categories page with the options menu open for a category.

Tip #70

Make the page of your choice Vivaldi Forum’s homepage.

If there’s a page you visit often on the Forum, consider making it your Forum homepage. Then, while logged in, whenever you click Home on the Forum menu or go to forum.vivaldi.net, you’ll be shown your chosen homepage.

To set a homepage:

  1. Log in to your Vivaldi account on forum.vivaldi.net.
  2. Go to forum.vivaldi.net/me/settings.
    Alternatively, click on your avatar in the top right corner and select Settings from the menu.
  3. In the Select a Homepage section, click on the dropdown menu and select your preferred page or set a custom one.
Forum homepage setting.

Tip #16

Subscribe to Forum Digest to get a selection of the latest discussions and notifications in your mailbox.

  1. Log in to your Vivaldi account.
  2. Go to https://forum.vivaldi.net/me/settings.
  3. Scroll down to the Email section.
  4. Choose how often you want to receive the Digest email. Choices are:
    • Daily,
    • Weekly,
    • Bi-weekly,
    • Monthly, and
    • Off i.e. disabled.
  5. Click Save Changes.

The emails will be sent at the chosen interval to your account’s recovery email address.

Tip #9

Change the look of Vivaldi’s user interface with custom CSS modifications.

If you’re familiar with reading and writing code, you can edit the desktop browser’s user interface with your own custom CSS modifications.

To get started:

  1. In vivaldi://experiments, enable “Allow for using CSS modifications”.
  2. In Settings > Appearance > Custom UI Modifications, select the folder where you’ll store all your custom CSS files.
  3. Restart the browser.

Now you can start inspecting the user interface using Developer Tools, write up your own CSS for the elements you want to change and see the browser transform to fit your preferences even more.

Vivaldi Community shares and works on modifications together on the Forum’s Modifications category. Feel free to ask assistance and share your work there.

Important! Code shared on the forum has not been reviewed by the Vivaldi Team. Which means that issues, including security issues, may be present.

If you don’t want to risk corrupting your main browser profile, test your modifications in a different User Profile or use a Standalone version of Vivaldi.

Tip #7

Click on the blue circle on your Forum profile to find all your content and followed posts.

When you go to your Vivaldi Forum profile on https://forum.vivaldi.net/me (or click on your profile image in the top right corner of the Forum and then on your username), you’ll find a 🔵 blue circle on the right side of the profile page.

Clicking on the button will open a menu with a lot of useful options. For example, you can see a list of all the discussions you’ve started (Topics) and comments you’ve made (Posts). Useful, when you’re looking for that one post you made ages ago.

In addition, you can manage the categories that you watch. Posts in the watched categories appear in the Unread and Recent sections of the Forum.

Open profile page menu.