Tip #616

Enable sounds for Vivaldi Forum notifications.

If you wish to be alerted about new notifications and incoming messages on the Vivaldi Forum instantly, you can enable sound effects. Then, while you have the Forum open in a tab, you’ll hear a little sound whenever something new pops up.

To enable sounds:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select “Settings“.
  2. Scroll to the end of the page to find Sound settings.
  3. Select the sound you like for notifications, incoming messages, and outgoing messages.
  4. Click “Save changes”.
Vivaldi Forum's Settings page zoomed in on the Sound settings section.

Tip #607

Filter unread, recent, and popular Forum posts by category.

When the Forum’s been active and you have a lot to catch up with, you can focus on the most interesting categories on the Unread, Recent, and Popular pages first and hide all others.

To filter categories:

  1. On the Unread, Recent, or Popular page, click on “All Categories” near the top right corner.
  2. Select from which categories you want to view posts from. Alternatively, type the category name in the text field that replaced the “All Categories” button.
  3. Click outside the menu to apply the filter.
Vivaldi Forum's Unread page with the category filtering menu open.

Tip #569

Browse all topics you or another Vivaldi Community member has started on the Vivaldi Forum.

Are you looking for an old topic you started, or have you come across a forum user, who has started an interesting discussion, and you want to check out other topics they’ve created? There’s a page on the user’s profile, where you can view all topics in chronological order.

To view all user’s topics:

  1. Go to your own or another community member’s forum profile.
  2. Click on the blue circle with 3 dots on the right side.
  3. Select “Topics” from the menu.
User profile on the Forum. The profile's menu is open to show where user created topics can be found.

Tip #533

Explore the Vivaldi Forum your way by choosing between page-by-page navigation or infinite scroll.

If you like to display content in easily manageable portions, dividing the list of topics in categories and posts in threads into pages is for you. But if you prefer to have new content appear automatically as soon as you’ve reached the end, enabling infinite scroll is the way to go. Luckily, the Vivaldi Forum caters to both styles.

To update your preference:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the Forum and select “Settings” from the menu.
  2. In the Pagination section, either enable or disable “Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll”.
  3. If you’ve opted to paginate posts and topics, feel free to adjust the number of items that are shown per page.
  4. Save the changes.
Forum settings page with an arrow pointing at the pagination setting.

Tip #510

Mark Vivaldi Forum notifications as read without opening them.

When someone replies to a topic you’ve commented on on the Vivaldi Forum, then of course you want to see what they say and you click on the notification to be taken to the topic. But some notifications are just informational. In that case, you can mark them read without opening the topic.

To mark a notification as read:

  1. Open the notifications menu.
  2. Click on the little circle above the notification time on the right side.

To mark all notifications read, click on “Mark all read” at the bottom of the list.

Vivaldi Forum with Notifications menu open.

Tip #496

Edit your Vivaldi Forum posts to add more information and correct mistakes.

Reading back what you posted to the Vivaldi Forum and you’re not happy with it? Use the edit option to fix that typo, clarify your point, and more.

To update your post on the Vivaldi Forum:

  1. Go to the topic and find the post you want to edit.
  2. Click on 3 dot menu button in the bottom right corner of the post (next to Reply, Quote, and upvoting options).
  3. Select “Edit” from the menu.
  4. Make your changes to the post.
  5. Click “Submit”.

Tip #491

Choose whether to start watching Forum topics you create and engage with automatically or not.

When you “watch” topics on the Vivaldi Forum, you’ll receive notifications whenever someone replies to the discussion. You can start watching topics manually or be added as a watcher automatically after you’ve posted.

To change the default watch settings:

  1. Click your profile image in the top right corner and select “Settings” from the menu, or head over to https://forum.vivaldi.net/me/settings.
  2. In the “Watch” section, tick the boxes for “Watch topics you create” and/or “Watch topics that you reply to” if you want to receive notifications, or untick the boxes if you don’t want to be added as a watcher to the topic.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save changes”.
Vivaldi Forum settings page

Tip #438

Filter feature requests on the Vivaldi Forum using tags.

Feedback from our users plays a big part in prioritizing which features we’re going to work on next. For this, we have a special Feature Request categories on the Vivaldi Forum, where everyone can post and upvote the features they’d like to see in Vivaldi. To make browsing the requests easier, you can use the forum’s search feature (see Tip #246) or check out the tags to filter out interesting topics.

To view feature requests by tags:

  1. Open the relevant feature requests category:
  2. In the “Filter feature requests” section, click on the topic you’re interested in.

When you find a feature request you like, don’t forget to upvote 👍 the first post.

Mobile Feature Requests page on the Vivaldi Forum, with tags highlighted.

Tip #386

Report inappropriate content and help us keep Vivaldi Community clean and friendly.

Have you ever come across a post or comment on Vivaldi Social, Forum, or Blogs and thought it doesn’t belong on Vivaldi.net? Whether the content is spam, rude, or in other ways not in line with Vivaldi’s Code of Conduct or Terms of Use, we’d appreciate it if you could let us know about it.

To report posts on Vivaldi Social.

  1. Click on the 3 dot menu button in the bottom right corner of the post.
  2. Select “Report [username]”.
  3. Pick a reason.
  4. Select the offending posts.
  5. Add a comment.
  6. Submit the report.

To Flag posts or users on the Forum:

  1. Click on the 3 dot menu button in the bottom right corner of the post.
  2. Select “Flag this post” or “Flag this user”, if more than one of their posts is inappropriate.
  3. Pick a reason.
  4. If you chose “Other”, add a comment.
  5. Submit the report.

To report a blog:

  1. Below an offending post, click on “Report”.
  2. Pick a reason.
  3. Add a comment.
  4. Submit the report.

Tip #370

Make it clear what you’re replying to by quoting the forum post in your response.

In buzzing Forum discussions, it can become a little unclear which comment you’re replying to when you don’t reference the post in your response. To make it easier to follow discussions, you can quote the post or parts of it in your own post.

To quote a post on the Forum:

  1. Find a comment you want to reply to.
  2. Click “Quote” below the post on the right side.

You can even quote posts from other topics:

  1. Find a topic you want to post in.
  2. Click “Reply” to open the post editor.
  3. While keeping the editor open, navigate to the post you want to quote.
  4. Click “Quote” below the post on the right side.

Quoting will add the author’s name, the link to the topic it was posted in, and the post’s contents to your post’s editor. If the quoted post is very long, you can delete the irrelevant parts.

A page on the Vivaldi Forum with Reply, Quote and Upvote buttons highlighted.

Tip #351

Mark Forum topics read without opening them.

It’s natural that not all discussions on the Vivaldi Forum can be relevant or interesting to you. To keep the Unread feed clean, you can mark one or more topics read without opening them.

To mark topics read:

  1. On the Unread page, click on the profile images of the topic starters. A green checkmark should replace the profile image.
  2. Above the list of topics, on the right, click on “Mark as Read”.
  3. In the drop-down menu, click on “Selected”.

If you accidentally marked a topic as read, you should be able to find the topic fairly easily again from Recent topics.

Vivaldi Forum's Unread page with some topics selected and "Mark as Read" menu open.

Tip #342

Show off your personality with a cover image on your Forum profile.

When you’ve been on the Forum for a bit and have managed to earn a couple of reputation points, you can start customizing your profile. One way to add some character to your account is by adding a cover image to your profile.

To upload a cover image:

  1. Go to your Forum’s profile on https://forum.vivaldi.net/me.
  2. Hover over the cover image and click on the Upload button on the left.
  3. Click on “Choose File” to select the image file.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. If needed, rotate, flip and/or crop the image.
  6. Click “Crop and upload”.

If you want to adjust the image, hover over the cover again and click on the middle button with arrows to move the image. Click “Save” when you’re satisfied with the result.

Vivaldi Forum profile with a landscape picture as the cover and cover image editing buttons visible.

Tip #268

Got a question about Vivaldi? Ask it on the Forum.

Whether wondering how to use some feature in the browser, looking for a fix to an issue or just curious about Vivaldi in general, the Forum is the place where you should go to get your curiosity satisfied. With the combined wealth of knowledge our community and team members possess, you’ll get quality answers 24/7.

Use the search function first, though. With thousands of topics, it’s likely that someone has already asked the same question, so instead of creating a duplicate topic, you can just continue the discussion.

To ask a question on the Forum:

  1. Log in to your Vivaldi account.
  2. Look for the most relevant category for your question.
  3. In that category, click “New Topic”.
  4. Give your topic a clear title.
  5. Ask your question and, when troubleshooting an issue, share as many details as possible.
  6. Click “Submit”.
Window for creating a new topic open in the Vivaldi Forum.

Tip #246

Use Forum’s Advanced Search to find the most relevant discussions.

Vivaldi Forum is full of discussion threads about all things Vivaldi and more. If you have a question or a request, it’s best to use the search function first. The odds are that your question has already been answered or a feature request is already collecting upvotes from the community.

To use Advanced Search, click on the 3 gear icons in the Search field in the top right corner of the Forum.

You can narrow down results by the following criteria:

  • Category
  • Post author
  • Tags
  • Number of replies
  • Post time
  • Whether the search term can be found only in the topic title or also in the content
  • Whether all or only some words in results need to match the search term
Vivaldi Forum's Advanced Search.