Tip #539

Keep your Saved Sessions relevant with quick edits in the Sessions Panel.

Saving your open tabs as sessions allows you to access them all with just a few clicks at any point. To make your sessions even more useful, manage the tabs within the session to keep them neat and organized.

To edit Saved Sessions:

  1. Open the Sessions Panel.
  2. Right-click on the session you want to update and select “Edit / View Contents”.
  3. Make the changes. For example, pin or move tabs, (un)stack them, rename, etc.
Vivaldi browser's Session Panel open with a saved session being edited. Context menu highlights the tab group's unstacking option.

Tip #538

See what’s planned for the day by enabling the day view sidebar in Vivaldi Calendar.

To get a general overview of your calendar at the same time as focusing in on a specific day, make use of Vivaldi Calendar‘s sidebar which displays the selected day’s events and tasks next to your current calendar view.

To toggle the sidebar in the Calendar on and off:

  1. Open the Calendar in the main tab view.
  2. Near the top right corner, below search and next to trashed events, click on the “Show Sidebar” button.

The day view sidebar is available in week, multiweek, month, and year views. In the agenda view, the sidebar will display your tasks.

Vivaldi Calendar. Sidebar toggle button is highlighted.

Tip #537

Zoom in on web pages in Vivaldi on iOS to make text easier to read.

Even if you have 20/20 vision, there’s no need to strain your eyes unnecessarily. So, go ahead and make that text on web pages bigger.

To zoom text in Vivaldi on iOS:

  1. Open the Vivaldi menu and select “Zoom text…”.
  2. Tap on the + and – buttons to adjust the zoom level.
  3. Tap on Done, when happy with the text size.
Two iPhones. One with a page of text in its default size, the other with text made bigger. Both have the zoom menu visible on top of the screen.

Tip #536

Make your posts on Vivaldi Social self destruct after a while.

It can be nice to look back on posts you made months and years ago, but if you prefer to live in the moment, you can automatically delete your posts when they reach a certain age. There are plenty of exceptions you can make to ensure the important content such as pinned posts and private messages remains.

To automatically delete old posts on Vivaldi Social:

  1. Go to Preferences > Automated post deletion.
  2. Enable “Automatically delete old posts”.
  3. Select the age threshold.
  4. Review exceptions.
  5. Save the changes.
Vivaldi Social's preferences  open on the automatic post deletion page.