Tip #503

Replace icons on menu buttons with text labels in your Vivaldi.net blog’s editor.

Having too many icons can sometimes make things confusing. To make it clear what one or the other button on your Vivaldi blog editor’s menus does, you can opt to display text labels instead of icons.

To switch from icons to text:

  1. Open the blog post editor on your Vivaldi.net blog.
  2. Click on the Options menu in the top right corner.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. In General > Appearance, toggle on “Show button text labels”.
Vivaldi.net blog editor with text on buttons instead of icons.

Tip #502

Zoom Vivaldi Calendar view in and out with Keyboard Shortcuts.

In Tip #39 we told you about Keyboard Shortcuts you can use in the Vivaldi Calendar to switch to specific views (Day, Week, Month, etc.). In this tip, we’re introducing you to alternative shortcuts, which allow you to cycle through the views using the same two shortcuts.

To cycle through calendar views, press:

  • Alt + Page ↑ – to zoom in, and
  • Alt + Page ↓ – to zoom out.

Step by step, you can zoom in from Agenda view down to Day view and from Day view out to Agenda view.

Tip #501

Create a new note with a screenshot from a web page.

Found something interesting on a webpage that you want to save, but an image would convey the message better than text? With Vivaldi, you can take a screenshot of the web page and automatically create a new note with it.

To save a screen capture as a note:

  1. Click on the Capture page” button on the Status Bar.
  2. Decide whether you want to capture a selection or the full page.
  3. Select “Create Note with…” as the output.
  4. If you chose to save just a section of the web page, select the area.
  5. Click “Capture”.

The captured screenshot will be attached to a new untitled note, which you can view and edit in the Notes Panel or Notes Manager.

Vivaldi browser with the Capture page tool in focus and the output  menu open.

Tip #500

Zoom in and out on web pages using the number keys on your keyboard.

Single Key Shortcuts are a great way to get things done quickly and efficiently, without needing both hands or complicated finger gymnastics on the keyboard to reach multiple keys simultaneously. For example, you can use Single Key Shortcuts to zoom in and out on web pages.

To enable Single Key Shortcuts, go to Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts.

To zoom in and out, press the following numbers either above the letters on the keyboard or on the number pad:

  • 0 – zoom in by 10%
  • 9 – zoom out by 10%
  • 8 – double the zoom level
  • 7 – halve the zoom level
  • 6 – reset the zoom level

Tip #499

Sort your Bookmarks and Notes in numerous different ways in Vivaldi on iOS.

When you’ve created a lot of Bookmarks and Notes in Vivaldi, finding the right one can take time. Sorting them alphabetically, by creation date, or by some other criteria helps to locate the one you need faster.

To change the sorting order of Bookmarks and Notes:

  1. Open the Bookmarks or Notes Panel.
  2. Tap on the 3-dot menu in the bottom left corner.
  3. Select “Sort Order”.
  4. Tap on the sorting criteria you want to use.

You can sort your bookmarks:

  • Manually
  • By Title
  • By Address
  • By Nickname
  • By Description
  • By Date
  • By Kind, which groups folders to the top/bottom and sorts the rest of the notes using the manual order.

And you can sort your notes:

  • Manually
  • By Title
  • By Date Created
  • By Date Edited
  • By Kind.

In addition, you can choose to sort either in ascending or descending order.

Bookmark sorting menu open in Vivaldi on iOS.