Tip #296

Open links from Quick Commands in a New Tab.

Quick Commands allow you to search everything in Vivaldi – Bookmarks, open Tabs, commands, etc. You can also open web links through Quick Commands by entering the URL and pressing Enter. By default, the link will open in the active tab, but if you prefer to open the link in a new tab:

  1. Go to Settings > Quick Commands > Quick Command Options.
  2. Enable “Open Links in New Tab”.
Vivaldi Social's URL entered in Quick Commands, ready for opening in a new tab.

Tip #295

Love Vivaldi on Android? Leave us a 5-star rating on the Play Store.

If you’ve been enjoying using the Vivaldi Browser on your Android devices, let others know about it by leaving a positive rating and a review on the Play Store. It helps us a lot. 😊

To leave a rating:

  1. Open Vivaldi’s profile on the Play Store.
  2. Scroll to the “Rate this app” section.
  3. Tap on the rightmost ⭐ for a positive rating.
  4. If you wish, write a review.
  5. Click Post.

So, as the song goes 🎶 “If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it… give Vivaldi 5 stars!” 🎶 😄

Tip #294

Avoid unwanted messages by only allowing people you follow to send you a direct message on Vivaldi Social.

Like any social media or public communication channel, Mastodon, including our Vivaldi Social instance, isn’t immune to spam and other bad actors. Luckily, it has many useful settings you can toggle on and off to make your experience on the Fediverse more pleasant. One of them is preventing users that you don’t follow from sending you a direct message.

To enable the setting:

  1. Go to Preferences > Notifications > Other Notification Settings.
  2. Enable “Block direct messages from people you don’t follow”.
Vivaldi Social's notification preferences page with "Block direct messages from people you don't follow" setting highlighted.

Tip #293

Enable “Show Full Address” to see the complete web page URL without needing to focus on the Address Field.

Looking at the Address Field you may have noticed that you don’t see the full address unless you focus on it. That’s because we want you to easily see the most important parts of the URL – the domain and the path. The protocol in front can give you false security, and parameters and anchors at the end can add so much confusion that it can be hard to see which website you are using.

But if you prefer to see the full address at all times:

  1. Right-click on the Address Field.
  2. Select “Always Show Full Address”.

Alternatively, enable it in Settings > Address Bar > Address Field Options.

Two Address Fields. One showing only the domain and path, the other showing a full address.

Tip #292

Instead of looking through folders of Bookmarks, search for the one you need.

It’s easy to have too many Tabs open, but it’s even easier to accumulate a large number of Bookmarks. Finding a bookmark by scrolling through the long lists and folders can be time-consuming. Using the search option in the Bookmarks Panel, Bookmarks Manager, Address Field, or Quick Commands will find the correct bookmark for you a lot faster.

To search for Bookmarks, start typing the name, URL, nickname, or description in one of the places mentioned above and (double-)click on a search result to open the bookmark.

Tip #291

Use the shortcut in Settings to make Vivaldi the default browser app on Android.

You might not be ready to commit to making Vivaldi the default browser right after installation, but after using the app for a bit, you’ll likely want to use Vivaldi as your main browser.

To set Vivaldi as the default browser app:

  1. Open Vivaldi’s main menu > Settings > Web Pages.
  2. Toggle on “Set as default browser”.
  3. You’ll be taken to your phone’s settings. Select Vivaldi Browser to be the default browser app.
Vivaldi on Android settings page, with "Set as default browser" option highlighted.

Tip #290

Mark messages as read immediately after opening them.

Vivaldi Mail has three read states – Unseen, Unread, and Read. Messages go from Unseen to Unread automatically after opening them, but marking each message as Read is an active choice. The Unread state is a good way to keep track of messages you’ve already seen but have not dealt with yet.

If this doesn’t fit your workflow, you can skip the Unread state by enabling “Automatically Mark as Read” in Settings > Mail > Mail Settings > Unread Messages.

Tip #289

Download Custom Icons for your browser from Vivaldi Themes.

Using Custom Icons with your browser theme, allows you to take the uniqueness of your Vivaldi to yet another level. You can create an icon for each toolbar button yourself or you can make use of the numerous Themes with Custom Icons the creative minds of Vivaldi Community members have shared with everyone.

To download custom icons:

  1. Go to themes.vivaldi.net.
  2. Click on, for example, “View all featured themes” to open a page with all the filtering options.
  3. In the menu on the left, tick the box for “Custom Icons”.
  4. Apply other filters, if you wish.
  5. Find a theme you like.
  6. Download it to get a preview and if you want to keep it, click Install.

To use custom icons from a different theme with your active theme:

  1. Go to Settings > Themes > Editor > Icons.
  2. Make sure “Use Icon Set from” is enabled and select a theme from the drop-down menu.