Tip #490

Use search filters in Vivaldi Mail to find the message you’re looking for.

Scrolling through your long lists of messages isn’t really an option if you receive a lot of mail. That’s when the search field with its filters comes to the rescue helping you find the message you’re looking for.

To search for a message in Vivaldi Mail:

  1. Type something relevant to the message in the search field.
  2. Use the available filters to narrow down your search.

The options include:

  • Searching through all messages or specific accounts or folders.
  • Specifying the date range.
  • Looking for senders or recipients (From, To, CC).
  • Searching by the email subject.
  • Searching by something in the body of the message.
  • Showing only messages that include attachments.
  • Use the conjunction NOT to only find messages that do not match with the search keyword.
Vivaldi Mail with focus on the search section.
